Extraction RosinTech Smash review - great press


I’m lovin my Dulytek have fun

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:drool: :dizzy:
:dizzy: :baked: Holy crap, it's DAB-con 4 around here! I'm buzzed-by-visual suggestion alone- :rofl:

Super nice unit WW, I am amazed at the compaction power you get from a simple lever throw type press :clapper:..... Looks like a lot of fun working with different bud strains, different looking end products,... then the kief- :hothot: fugeddaboutit! You must be leaving a trail of smiling floating bodies behind you at this point- :rofl: ..... Oh man, the mixed batch = :drool: that must have been devastating :eyebrows:....the aroma I can't even imagine,... anything interesting show up with that mix?
Moonrocks, that's the rosin basted bud rolled in kief? :wiz: ....How many ways to hurt thyself,.... :rofl:
:woohoo1: :thumbsup: excellent reviewing here my friend, looking forward to further playing with this fab' toy, and the products!

Hahaha as always too funny buddy!! Yeah the power of the moonrocks(tight bud coated in rosin and pressed into kief) is insane...like a small bud and 6 people are ripped all night in a bong. awesome indeed!!

The smell and taste of the kief rosin...man its soooooooo strong in oil taste it dominates any weed within a joint...so strong and so expanding in the lungs. Baby tokes or pay the price!!!!

Unit is working great!! Filmed a video today...need to upload! Will also do a video or pictorial on moonrocks