Extraction RosinTech Smash review - great press

:drool: :dizzy:
:dizzy: :baked: Holy crap, it's DAB-con 4 around here! I'm buzzed-by-visual suggestion alone- :rofl:

Super nice unit WW, I am amazed at the compaction power you get from a simple lever throw type press :clapper:..... Looks like a lot of fun working with different bud strains, different looking end products,... then the kief- :hothot: fugeddaboutit! You must be leaving a trail of smiling floating bodies behind you at this point- :rofl: ..... Oh man, the mixed batch = :drool: that must have been devastating :eyebrows:....the aroma I can't even imagine,... anything interesting show up with that mix?
Moonrocks, that's the rosin basted bud rolled in kief? :wiz: ....How many ways to hurt thyself,.... :rofl:
:woohoo1: :thumbsup: excellent reviewing here my friend, looking forward to further playing with this fab' toy, and the products!
I've a keif jar about half full saving up.for a couple presses and some moonrock production myself. Going to use my meph battle plant as the base nugs. CDLCxSour stomper
yeah dude...I have a kief jar going.....no press tho.... hhmmmm!!...:smiley1: