That's a nice machine.I'm a ways behind lol, just did my first run with bubble bags. Good to see ya bud
great report,nice compact unit
big fan of pressing dry sift,hash :smoking:no chips to deal with.
keep er lit.
what a superb result i make 2 big runs of bho a year and your rosin looks a lot easier i dont know if id get a press with the cost but you may of planted a seed also i smoke my oil in a firefly 2 its an expensive vape but for dabs its the best in its class
yes id enjoy that growbroits super easy and really safe. I will do a video of the process if anyone is interested.
Thanks to AFN I have enough trim now to actually do something with...the bags definitely payed off first run.great to see you my northern friend!! Love bubble hash man!! Great clean toke...thats what i love about this solvents or impurities to taint the end product.I dig a good clean concentrate.