Return of the Mush Room

I'm definitely an anti-kit person. I've seen too many people get ripped off and it doesn't teach good cultivation technique. It's honestly not that much work or too hard to get into agar growing. I started out doing PF-Tek and wish I had just started with no pour agar plates. They've got it down to a very simple science in the cult section of the shroomery, just don't get caught up in the drama.
what all does the kit include?

I bought kit mostly because it was quick way to try mushrooms again to see if still liked. Later if i like i will invest more time.
A guy I know said he is trying to cultivate wavy caps (cyanescens) outdoors in mulch. If you are from the Pacific Northwest, you might be familiar with them. A dry gram is a strong trip, two is heroic. I had a coworker who moved up from California who took a "cube-sized" dose of 3 grams and was in for a very rough night. He ended up taking himself to hospital because he was so freaked out.

Anyways, I digress. If he is successful he said he is going to give me some.
Maybe he would teach me... but everything I have read says the wood-lovers are hard to grow. He said he will use shredded cardboard as an intermediate to help the mycelia spread to the wood.

Micro-doses on these would be about 50-75mg, I think, so even a small backyard patch could keep me supplied when the conditions are right.
I got a surprise phone call this morning from a young woman I know, she was having a bad trip. On the phone for 45 minutes or so. It just reminded me of how it could happen to anyone, anytime, and how important set and setting are.

All her friends had eaten shrooms too, except for another woman who she barely knows, and they were all away at an Air B&B for the weekend.
I got a surprise phone call this morning from a young woman I know, she was having a bad trip. On the phone for 45 minutes or so. It just reminded me of how it could happen to anyone, anytime, and how important set and setting are.

All her friends had eaten shrooms too, except for another woman who she barely knows, and they were all away at an Air B&B for the weekend.
I’ve never had one but I’ve been there when others have. I don’t care who you are, you’re very vulnerable on any psychedelic. You’re a good friend, that story kind of made my day. Some real life good deeds.
I’ve never had one but I’ve been there when others have. I don’t care who you are, you’re very vulnerable on any psychedelic. You’re a good friend, that story kind of made my day. Some real life good deeds.
Back in high school we did alot shrooms and there was always someone that couldn't wait the 30mins and say "I'm not even feeling anything"gobble gobble another gram. You'd warn them but the minute you walked away you'd seem them in the corner chowing down on another gram, you'd know right away to tell someone to keep an eye on them.
I feel sorry for them but it is funny trying to explain to people they are shadows not trolls in that farmer field, dude just because your tripping doesn't mean we now live in Mordor, told you not to eat more than half a gram your first time.