New Grower REDO - IN AT THE DEEP END !! - DWC/LED/Remo Nutrients: Fruit Punch Auto/Cheese Auto

Thats the spirit! LOL!! I am glad you managed to dial in the nutes to your garden that easy and that my schedule helped!
You have no idea how much it helped.
I had to start the Magnifical from day 1 and reduced the Velokelp for 2 weeks to compensate for that.
Apart from that, the only variation from your schedule was the different length in the veg cycle and having to juggle the Grow/Astroflower/Bloom due to all 3 of my plants getting to flower at different times - 2 Fruit Punch with different Phenos (14 days difference in going into flower) and the Cheese (Photo) which is now on full bloom nutes despite only JUST showing Pistils in the last 2 days. The Autos are my main priority here, so the Photo can just take what it gets and keep quiet about it :naughtystep:
Doesn't seem to be doing it one damned bit of harm as its covering 50% of my tent now.
Awesome! Yeah I see no reason why it wouldn't suit photos as well!
do you not think you would need to up the amounts for photos due to the bigger hunger for nutes they have i run photos at double what i do autos 4ml/L a+b and all the photo cheeses iv ever grown you could really push the e.c way up there above 2.2 if i remember correct man i wish i had kept notes over the years

DONT !!! FORGET !!! to head over to the guess the hash pile weight for festivas have a guess you could win some seeds !!!

ROLL up a fatty and head over to the best festivas joint comp post a entry to win some seeds !!!
do you not think you would need to up the amounts for photos due to the bigger hunger for nutes they have i run photos at double what i do autos 4ml/L a+b and all the photo cheeses iv ever grown you could really push the e.c way up there above 2.2 if i remember correct man i wish i had kept notes over the years

DONT !!! FORGET !!! to head over to the guess the hash pile weight for festivas have a guess you could win some seeds !!!

ROLL up a fatty and head over to the best festivas joint comp post a entry to win some seeds !!!
With EC and pH staying constant while the ladies drink, it means they are getting exactly the right concentrations of nutes relative to the amount of water they are drinking.
If they needed more nutes in the water due to the Cheese, then the EC would be dropping like a stone as the plants reduce the concentration of nutes due to taking more relative to water..
With EC and pH staying constant while the ladies drink, it means they are getting exactly the right concentrations of nutes relative to the amount of water they are drinking.
If they needed more nutes in the water due to the Cheese, then the EC would be dropping like a stone as the plants reduce the concentration of nutes due to taking more relative to water..
thats cool then makes for a easy life wish my fooking photos did that bloody things eat nutes like there going out of fashion :pass:
thats cool then makes for a easy life wish my fooking photos did that bloody things eat nutes like there going out of fashion :pass:
well, between them, my 3 are drinking about 30-40l per week.
At 30L, that is:
Magnifical: 37.5ml
Micro: 45ml
Bloom: 30ml
Astroflower: 30ml
Natures Candy: 45ml
Velokelp: 22.5ml

That is this weeks concentrations. At 40L, those amounts would all increase by 33%
That is what is split between the 3 plants over a week
(and I think its actually closer to the 40L mark than 30, but I was erring on the side of caution with the figures)
Hey guys I have an advice that also works very good: Don't take me seriously when I talk about photoperiods. Very likely I don't know what I am talking about :smoking:

But seriously I dont personally believe in schedules (they are just references / guideposts) since everything is relative to the enviromental factors. No matter if its photo or auto.
Hey guys I have an advice that also works very good: Don't take me seriously when I talk about photoperiods. Very likely I don't know what I am talking about :smoking:

But seriously I dont personally believe in schedules (they are just references / guideposts) since everything is relative to the enviromental factors. No matter if its photo or auto.

Its OK, I haven't got a damned clue about photos either ;) . This is my first grow and I went straight for Autos. Never read a damned thing about Photos :D
I agree about the schedules. I just used yours as a start point and muddled through it from there.
It just so happens that your schedule was almost bang on for my plants, but I monitor pH, EC, temp, Humidity, Water temp every single day. Sometimes 3 or 4 times a day.
If something needs altered, I will/do alter it, but relatively little changes so far
Hey guys I have an advice that also works very good: Don't take me seriously when I talk about photoperiods. Very likely I don't know what I am talking about :smoking:

But seriously I dont personally believe in schedules (they are just references / guideposts) since everything is relative to the enviromental factors. No matter if its photo or auto.
I am inclined to agree with you. After reading these post, i was sitting hete thinking about my outdoor photos last summer and my 1st indoor grow. I can see where mixing autos and photos would be a cold bitch without a couple of seperate grow rooms, ar least for photos going veg to flower in regards to light schedule.
I may be blowing out my arse here as both outdoor and current indoor used coco coir and our host here is hydro.

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