New Grower REDO - IN AT THE DEEP END !! - DWC/LED/Remo Nutrients: Fruit Punch Auto/Cheese Auto


Full Rez Change.
Cheese will be growing vertical only from now on as it's about 5" short of taking over exactly half of the tent. That works out at 0.98m2. The expected indoor yield (according to breeder) is 550g/m2.
Probably will not get anywhere near that, but here's hoping...
Fruit Punch [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is slowing down and seems to be getting near the end of its stretch.
Fruit punch [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is going nicely and looking top drawer as usual :D

Temps: 26C/21C (Light/Dark)
Water Temp: 18.5C
Humidity: 58%
pH: 5.9
ppm: 600
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All on 12/12 now for the last 5 days or so.
Haven't stressed about anything really. The only thing that has got me annoyed was the Cheese being a Photo when I was told it was an Auto (the 9 free seeds from my supplier to make up for that has now removed all of the annoyance :D ) - plain, stress-free sailing apart from that.

8-12 weeks for flower on the Cheese though...
I could be half way through another Auto grow by then, and the fact that I am doing 60 litres of water in the system for what will be a single plant for most of that ramps up the cost in nutes when I do a rez change every 7 days
depending on how she feels and phenos 8 weeks minimum for some stoney smoke but the trichs will tell you when she done not the date maybe use a smaller tank just fior the photo shes going to eat about twice as much as her auto neighbour so shareing aint really a option


DONT !!! FORGET !!! to head over to the guess the hash pile weight for festivas have a guess you could win some seeds !!!

ROLL up a fatty and head over to the best festivas joint comp post a entry to win some seeds !!!

dont forget to head on over to the rookie of the year and cast a vote
See, NOW I am tempted ;)
Might just go that way myself after tonights rez change
I assume you pH the water that you use for the topups?

After I do a res change I measure the pH in the res and tweek if needed. I also measure the TDS ppm and note for later. My res is kept topped off from a
axillary tank with plain RO water. It is gravity fed via a float valve in the res. I measure the pH in the res daily and adjust as needed. I also check the TDS ppm daily. After a week I add more nutes to the res based on these readings. For example if the original res ppm was 800 and it measures 400 a week later, I will add a half dose of nutes. Hope that makes sense. Any questions, just ask.
After I do a res change I measure the pH in the res and tweek if needed. I also measure the TDS ppm and note for later. My res is kept topped off from a
axillary tank with plain RO water. It is gravity fed via a float valve in the res. I measure the pH in the res daily and adjust as needed. I also check the TDS ppm daily. After a week I add more nutes to the res based on these readings. For example if the original res ppm was 800 and it measures 400 a week later, I will add a half dose of nutes. Hope that makes sense. Any questions, just ask.

Thanks for the great info.
Currently, I top up daily/every other day with nutes the same strength/pH as the rez change, and then do a full change every week (apart from an inch or 2 left in the system when I drain it).
I seem to be pretty damned lucky with these Remo Nutes as the ppm rarely changes - maybe a few %, but that is minimal (and probably within the error% of my TDS meter).
I used @MedGrower 's table for the Remo Nutes in his Grow Journal and have only had to modify a few things - mainly the Magnifical as one of my 3 ladies was suffering from a def, so I upped it by .5ml per litre for a few weeks.
Apart from that, none of my plants have shown any toxicity or deficiencies throughout this entire grow - even though I have 2 Fruit Punch Autos with different Phenos, and a Photo all running on the same system..
I am TOTALLY taking credit for that, and refuse to give either @RemoNutrients or @MedGrower any credit for an excellent Nute line, or an excellent guide.
It was ALL me.
Anyone who says otherwise is peddling FAKE NEWS!!!

Thanks for the great info.
Currently, I top up daily/every other day with nutes the same strength/pH as the rez change, and then do a full change every week (apart from an inch or 2 left in the system when I drain it).
I seem to be pretty damned lucky with these Remo Nutes as the ppm rarely changes - maybe a few %, but that is minimal (and probably within the error% of my TDS meter).
I used @MedGrower 's table for the Remo Nutes in his Grow Journal and have only had to modify a few things - mainly the Magnifical as one of my 3 ladies was suffering from a def, so I upped it by .5ml per litre for a few weeks.
Apart from that, none of my plants have shown any toxicity or deficiencies throughout this entire grow - even though I have 2 Fruit Punch Autos with different Phenos, and a Photo all running on the same system..
I am TOTALLY taking credit for that, and refuse to give either @RemoNutrients or @MedGrower any credit for an excellent Nute line, or an excellent guide.
It was ALL me.
Anyone who says otherwise is peddling FAKE NEWS!!!


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Thanks for the great info.
Currently, I top up daily/every other day with nutes the same strength/pH as the rez change, and then do a full change every week (apart from an inch or 2 left in the system when I drain it).
I seem to be pretty damned lucky with these Remo Nutes as the ppm rarely changes - maybe a few %, but that is minimal (and probably within the error% of my TDS meter).
I used @MedGrower 's table for the Remo Nutes in his Grow Journal and have only had to modify a few things - mainly the Magnifical as one of my 3 ladies was suffering from a def, so I upped it by .5ml per litre for a few weeks.
Apart from that, none of my plants have shown any toxicity or deficiencies throughout this entire grow - even though I have 2 Fruit Punch Autos with different Phenos, and a Photo all running on the same system..
I am TOTALLY taking credit for that, and refuse to give either @RemoNutrients or @MedGrower any credit for an excellent Nute line, or an excellent guide.
It was ALL me.
Anyone who says otherwise is peddling FAKE NEWS!!!


Thats the spirit! LOL!! I am glad you managed to dial in the nutes to your garden that easy and that my schedule helped!