Mephisto Genetics redd's Mephisto Adventure - "Chem City Blues" and "Chem-Bubbly" autos

Pictures after the adjusting. Instead of grouped up, pretty much spread out along one side.
They're in the back. Anything here are either some peppers I'm starting or CBD mother I have and want to get results from


The new canopy distance goes from one side to the other, about 4ft or 1.2m,
but not as wide the other direction now of course. Have some other plants getting bigger need to get some hehe
Chem-Bubbly on the left, CCB on the right.


From the corner visible on the right looking back


This CCB has a nice structure, she has gotten a nice amount of room on her sides now.


I found 3 male sacs forming on one of the CCB, inspected everything else head to root, nothing, so
just plucked them off don't expect to see anymore, haven't been any stresses but all's well
Redd what's up dude looking good in there bro
Redd what's up dude looking good in there bro
Haha thanks man good to see ya, gonna get my eye on whatcha got goin dude!
Probably going to start some more mephisto soon, really been rubbed the right way by them :thumbs:
Day 45

Got some tea this morning, pretty much in full transition and going to flower now, trichs starting to
make an appearance now



Start of the nugs forming, check out the calyx on the leaf :]

Yea man you can't go wrong with the Mephistos. I got 3 bubbly blues coming down in a few days.

looking good man let the swelling commence
Man they look so healthy, do you think they are going to yield well? They sure look like they will.
Man they look so healthy, do you think they are going to yield well? They sure look like they will.
I sure hope so, Grim.

Been really low for a month now and have had to go to some local dispensaries to buy some meds, but nothing beats home grown
I never try to guess the weight for fear of something happening.. haha.. but that would be cool to pull a full pound+
I sure hope so, Grim.

Been really low for a month now and have had to go to some local dispensaries to buy some meds, but nothing beats home grown
I never try to guess the weight for fear of something happening.. haha.. but that would be cool to pull a full pound+

Dude im sure your not to far off it.
Day 56

Took a posting break to show some more differences hopefully.
Doing well, starting to smell nice for sure.
Starting to see some colors, defo in the Phosphorus category so gave a bloomin' tea
and whipping up another as well with some high P guano and some azomite which I add now and
again to cover some calmag and mineral needs.

Planning on taking them down between day 70-75 to make some room, so between 2/3 weeks from now.
Hope they can be fed until then! The early bloomer is getting really frosty and the others aren't far behind.
Happy with bud formation so far, looking good I hope I can get at least 3oz from each :]
Should only swell from here
I'll give another strain/pheno analysis after day60 to keep up with the other,
and a final in the smoke report ofcourse

The two big pictures are from two different sides, it's 4ft across about and 2ft wide on the sides and 2 and a half in the middle from squeezing them together



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Day 60

Was able to take them out the tent before watering since I had to drain the drip-pans,
glad to see some color other than pink! You can see what I mean by their lovely Fall colors showing




The Chem-Bubbly is the faster of the two varieties, with a finishing range of 65-80 days depending on container, lights, etc all the variables. Chem-Bubbly likes to grow and show more
elongated colas, and pushes a lot of sticky resin to leaves near the flowers. Absolutely loves simple LST, and will reward you with more bud sites. This variety is a light-med feeder,
but stays in the medium-feed range in flower-- don't let her starve! Packs on a majority of her weight nearer chop. Flowering smell is mostly a light funk with hints of fruitiness, with a chemical
smell at the same time. Very pleasant. No looseness in the buds, feel totally tight and coming in densely.

Chem City Blues



Chem City Blues, depending on your grow factors like container size for example, has a range of about 65-85 days. Could defo finish quick in a small container, but this strain
likes to get big and spread out. LST is your best friend, I wouldn't consider growing it in 3+gal without a little tying of some sort for some positive results.
Give her a big container for a long veg, the flowering is a little slower but will defo reward you. Prefers to grow golfball-sized nugs and produce chunkier looking buds than the
simple elongated cola look. Medium - heavy feeder, keep the nutes and supersoil handy, throw anything at her and she'll gobble it right up. Homogenous in growth/flowering, but different terpene profile
between the two- check my post below this for more explanation. Buds feeling dense and tight as well, not as much resin on leaves and keeps it mainly on the flowers- no complaints with that!

All put back now

If you have any questions on these strains feel free to ask here or PM me, always happy to help :]
Keeping up the updates going until harvest, catch the next and final written analysis on the smoke report of course!