Mephisto Genetics redd's Mephisto Adventure - "Chem City Blues" and "Chem-Bubbly" autos

Day 10

All's well, watered with plain water today. Growth seems good and normal. No complaints!
Light still ~24" away

Looking Great man. Youl Enjoy the Mars led for sure. I wouldn't put it to much closer. I rock mine at approx 18 -24 inches with Great Results.

Sub'd up man
Day 15

Thanks Weedman glad to have ya!

They've gotten another round of some more simple tea, and went ahead and put some in a spray bottle
and gave them a quick shower. No signs of sex, but still waiting to see if any are early bloomers,
looking good that they might reach a nice size hopefully. Light still 24" away


Pretty uneventful so far, but glad to have them so happy, and I know I'm coming up on their exciting growth/stretch phase which I'm giddy to see haha
uneventful and slowly forward is exactly what you want from 1-20 days as far as I'm concerned :)
Hey man im all caught up, really excited to see how you get on. Subbed!
Day 21

And getting along well, Grim, if I do say so!


Some upclose shots:


Going to work on some leaf tucking in the coming days if i can, not gonna try too much LST since i always break something haha

Way to go Redd, them are looking good.

Probably sex in the next week or so yes?

I am subbed for this one.

see ya soon
Also sub'd mate, what kind of tea's you got going on? :Sharing One:
Thanks DAB! I'll defo be having fun with these ladies

Eek - got some first signs of sexing yesterday so they might be some big'uns! Only on 2/4 so far,
looking closely at the second

Dazed -- I bubble in a 5 gallon bucket, using: 2 cups EWC, 2 cups Humisoil, and 1-2 cups of a "Marine Green" compost bag,
it's by Roots Organic and it's the bee's knees. I add that to a sock along with 1 TBS Kelp Meal, 1 TBS, Alfalfa Meal, and 1/4 cup ground Oyster shell
I then let it steep for 48hours, adding 2 TBS molasses. Always smells great