Mephisto Genetics redd's Mephisto Adventure - "Chem City Blues" and "Chem-Bubbly" autos

Oops, that's not supposed to be there~

Mid-update update, today is day 33, and found my fan crashed!


But, it only managed to break 2 branches, which isn't too bad! granted they looked real purdy with tons of nodes they managed
to work up, but can't be mad at something that already happened and was out of my control. This happened on the
Chem Bubbly, the smallest particular one of the lot too :]


It also let's me share my method to fix them: paperclips! go ahead and bend those babies into an 'S'
open the claws a little and you've got yourself some support. I have both branches that snapped attached
to higher-up branches so they have total relief from gravity, since they broke in probably the worst spot,
right at the stalk which affects the whole branch instead of just part of one.


Not the most clear to see but hopefully you can make out the shiny paperclips! It's good in a cinch, and worked here where
using tape would have a hard time.
Question​: Is there anything else that can be done after something like this happens? Would they feel less stressed with a tiny bit of water, a light
tea foliar spray, that sort of thing? Otherwise I imagine it's just kind of a set-and-forget kind of thing while nature runs its course.

So I'll include what she looks like on day 35, see you then!
Man they look great even if the fan did fall on top of them. Just leave them be and they will recover just fine.
from Day 35

couldn't get these pictures up last night for some reason, but had some more luck this morning with them
These are from day 35, yesterday.

Chem-Bubbly on top, Chem City Blues on bottom


Chem-B, starting to crown nice




They have successfully filled out approx. ~3ft x 3ft, would be about my guess, pretty much scrogged themselves haha.
but I'll get some accurate measurements when she stops spreading wide.

Noticing some really fast drinking now too!
Oh yeah, and to update on the branches that had broken, 1 has made a nice quick recovery, the other I had to pull, nice and crisp!
Thanks for viewing!
Looking sweet!
Even canopy = maximum yield in my book :)
Now the fun part begins!
Looks like things are about to get crazy in there :)
Day 40

Really seeing the transition going now as the hairy tips begin to form.
Sorta looks like a cheerleader with pompoms... and a lot of arms.

Official bush/hedge measurements are [32in. x 36in.] or [81cm x 91cm] and I think they may want to get a bit wider still:help:


got some side shots from the most developed: it's one of the Chem-Bubbly girlies


Thought someone might find this funny, I always laugh when I see this happen to my tea, just started brewing one for them

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Also, thinking of how I'm going to configure them the coming days because another Mars II 900w I ordered came in for
some perpetual coming seedlings. Probably going to give them some room around them to get light to the sides more :thumbs:
Looking great redd! Really healthy looking and nice even canopy, going to end up with a lot of nice colas :d5:
Next 30 days should get interesting "Munch..munch..munch
Looking great redd! Really healthy looking and nice even canopy, going to end up with a lot of nice colas :d5:
Next 30 days should get interesting "Munch..munch..munch
Appreciate it Hans! and yeah I agree, going to get exciting for sure.

Installed the second light and moved them around to get some more light to the sides. I'll get a full shot of what I've got
going in there when the lights come on later
Looking sweet redd.. awaiting pics...:Sharing One: