Indoor RDWC/SOIL 6x9 1550W led/hid - 10 Dinafem haze xxl- Canuk cheese/sweet tooth

Down like n, or or ot enough o2. But they are in the same res ive been adding more n incrimentally. Sitting at a .6 ec right now afraid to go higher. But the same res has lasted me 2.5 weeks now. I havent had to add ph down in 3 days. The ph is completely stabile in there!


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Yeah the downward curling and pale green to me suggest she is N hungry. Do as you are and keep adding N SLOWLY and gradually lol you see that is the beauty of DWC if there is a problem it shows quickly but is then fixed quickly, you will notice the dark green color come back first the leaves may or may not straighten back out.
Grrrr. This morning i go down and My roots are fuuucked overnight after wiping the res and out and not rinsing. Ph waay high. Fuuuuuuck. Im at work right now all stressed.
Im just now getting my air pump good enough for 4 buckets, my roots were fine until yesterday I wiped out a bunch of shit in my res change but didnt rinse and it stuck to a couple plants really bad, im doing a full clean tomorrow and changing out the nutes, again. gonna first clean the stones, get them in in fresh nute water (no more organics, my pump filter was all organic gunk matter from the fish and seaweed) I just did a h2o2 treatment and got some of it off, doing another soon. its not toooo bad but one is more than I'd want to admit. its the lanky tall one.
Hey Scuba,

Your plants are looking perfect man even if the roots are not as good. Good idea with the res change. Looks like you have it all under control.