I can't believe I'm still harvesting lol. It's so much and I'm so lazy :help:I have final numbers for the first double grape that was front left. 292 grams dry not including the popcorn I used for butter. The 3bog in the back left was 193 grams dried. I still have a whole plant to harvest and I'm already past 600 grams between 3 plants so far. I think final number will be over 800 grams which is amazing considering how much I messed up.
Current Grow (2021)
Hello again! :welcome: I debated even doing another journal since I don't get much traffic anyway but I decided it will be helpful for my own personal records and having the ability to go back and look at my past grows for comparisons is nice. With that said, i'm going to start a new grow in this same thread because it's easier and no need to funk up the forums with more threads for no reason. ;D

I'm currently @ d10 with my new grow. I changed my setup a bit to be a 3 site rdwc system instead of 4. I also connected all 3 buckets together to ensure the water level stays even as that was definitely a problem I had during the last grow. Seems like a waste to only do 3 plants in a 5x5 tent but my last plants got so big I figure maybe having only 3 will end up better than 4 and it's definitely easier on me. I'm also now using mega crop 2 part instead of advanced nutrients and I got a humidifier to help with my low RH during the early days.

This time I decided to do the same strain so all 3 are mephisto sour cracks, hopefully this decision proves to be worthwhile as I'm a man who loves diversity so only having 1 strain kind of blows.

3x Sour Crack


Damn I love that ph/ec monitor! :smoking:
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Hi, I'm fairly new here and have noticed that some people's grow journals go fairly unnoticed and lack responses. However, this thread has done better than many. Nevertheless I'll be watching to see how you go this time. Good luck.
Hi, I'm fairly new here and have noticed that some people's grow journals go fairly unnoticed and lack responses. However, this thread has done better than many. Nevertheless I'll be watching to see how you go this time. Good luck.

Ya you definitely have a point. A lot of people don't post much either which I should understand as I'm one of them haha. Thanks for stopping by and making a post bro I appreciate it. I'm a lot more confident this go around though it is my first time using these nutes.
Hello journal!

So after trying to compare my grow to others around the same age I've come to the conclusion that most people just don't list what day their plant is on when they post pictures. No way to tell how old the plant is!! so frustrating lol. I make sure to post the day of the plant with every update so it's easy to compare. Hopefully others like me are thankful for it because I sure wish everyone did it lol.


Things seem to be going well. Lots of growth compared to the update 3 days ago. I'm really hoping my sour cracks turn out beastly like This one

Congrats on the club upgrade! Very nice thread you have going here. I second what clem said above, just too many good growers and threads to keep up with. What a problem to have! haha!

I love the R/DWC threads. Please do post more.

EDIT: I also journal mine for personal record keeping. Much easier than trying to remember, or if you're old like me and write it down, then I lose my papers!
Been out of town for the last week or so. When I left I was kind of worried about the girls. Day 19 saw lots of light green and some Ca problems. I drained and did a fresh res before I left and came back to some nice growth. Today I did another drain and started a fresh res.


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A week away, whooo, I would have been extremely nervous. Looks like you have it well sorted out as they are just peachy in there.
A week away, whooo, I would have been extremely nervous. Looks like you have it well sorted out as they are just peachy in there.
Haha I was actually extremely nervous. Especially since I was already seeing problems right before I had to leave. I was really surprised to see how well things were going while I was gone. I can't wait to get stuff dialed in so I can stop worrying so much everyday.

Thankfully things are going amazingly well atm. I feel like I'm just waiting for the problems to start haha.
Things are still going relatively well so far. I did a fresh res change yesterday and decided to up the Epsom salts to 1g per gallon so now I'm at 15g of Epsom salt. I was noticing some spots on lower leaves so after a bit of research I came to the conclusion I was a bit light on Mg. I was told 1g a gallon of Epsom salts was 25 ppm so I thought that would be a safe amount to add.


Upped ppm to 820
Temps 80-84f lights on
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