So... I took longer to arrive at home today and one of the seedlings dried a lot and suffered...
It shrinked as hell, but with some water it has shown a slight return. Still worries me, though.
In order to avoid further problems with the drainage issue, I've decided to repot them ASAP, regardless of their stage of growth cos I know it only happened to it cos the pot was already small, temperature has been high and the drainage was slightly excessive.
So I watered it and went to the store in search of suplies. Couldn't find perlite, nor vermiculite, nor leca (expanded clay pebles), nor coco fiber... But I ended up purchasing organic Cow's Manure for less than 2 bucks, so it wasn't entirely bad!
I'm pretty happy because I know cow's and rabbit's manures aren't too strong in nutrients so It shouldn't be agressive to the seedling's roots when they start growing there.
I've also scraped the floor where my chicken would make their nests. This earth is sure to be full of their shit, feathers, cracked eggshells... It's been very well decomposed and the result is a brownish toned earth. Slightly Muddy.
The Rabbit's manure been decomposed long time and became a black earth.
There's also a black earth, which probably been made out of mix of leaves. Pretty good too.
Worm's manure is suposed to stabilize ph, and I don't think you can ever possibly have TOO MUCH of worm's manure in a earth's mix.
So I've covered the botton of their pots with rocks, so their roots don't ever grow too much and end up staying soaked in water, cos this might lead it to rotten.
Then, used the masterblend. The dosages where "freestyle", didn't want it to retain too much water, but didn't want it to drain fast either. I'm feeling pretty optimistic with the result I've seen till now.
I wish I could have waited some more before repotting them, but it was some sort of emergency and had to be done.
This is how it ended up:
The plants in the picture are in order, being the first the left one (blue pot).
It's still struggling to release from seedshell, I helped him out, but didn't want to injury it either.
#2 at first been growing under the earth and had trouble breaking out. Hopefully I could notice that, so I dug it very carefully and it started then to spread it's cotyledons pretty healty... but guess what? It's exactly the one who dried out. Poor one, looks helpless now!

I watered it very gently and lifted it from the ground. If it remained sticked, whould already been a gonner. I cleaned it's cotyledons so clay wouldn't remain sticked to it and I think it already shows it's gratitude regaining it's vigor slowly.
The damage to it's cotyledons is visible. I think it already has a reason to stunt but only time will tell us.
The #3 is just vigorous and fine:
I am feeding them the fishtank's water. It's a 5.000L container where my father raises his fishes. Ornamental stuff.
It's water is full of organic matter and is just the juice a plant needs!
He's got several species to plant acquariums with, in this tank, and it's so fertile that they grow imensely!
So it somehow enriches the poor media where the seedlings are currently at... I gotta help them break through this dirty clay so they can reach the good mix. And I noticed that repoting them alctually helped it out, now it can expand, and humidity is good good. Not excessively soaked but pretty "loose" and wet.
I wonder if they should be closer to the lamps... but I'm afraid temps may increase too much, drying them out.
It's currently at 29°C... and from older experiments, temperature raises like 5~6ºC if I put it closer to the lamps.
Exaustion sys has to be re-made. But it's no surprise since it's all crap recicled from old pc.
Many issues, but I could do all at one, fix a scrog, fix fans... It can be done and I'll start to plan it.
Thank you for reading today's post.
I would apreciate any comments about it.
Let's talk bout them lo'rydaz!