Extraction QWET to Vape

@Mañ'O'Green DUDE DUDE DUDE $$$@#$$ awesome thread, like my pics looked like uncle festus and trail park hottie on a Friday night. One question ur 30 min wash, are u letting it sit chilled for 30 mins shaking once a while or are u washing it multiple times in 30 mins to acquire the jar and half that you let sit over night? Reason u use that liquidfier? Fogg terps are great I use them and licks, or Fogg cutter. No everclear?
Thanks, I have several wash procedures which are you referring to?
The Delta 9 Terpenes have been the best "flavor" terps so far and the Viscosity the best thinner.
I cannot buy Everclear (90%ethanol) in California. So I distill cheap vodka into ~180 proof ethanol - same thing. It turns out to be way cheaper!
Thanks, I have several wash procedures which are you referring to?
The Delta 9 Terpenes have been the best "flavor" terps so far and the Viscosity the best thinner.
I cannot buy Everclear (90%ethanol) in California. So I distill cheap vodka into ~180 proof ethanol - same thing. It turns out to be way cheaper!
I'm referring to the 1st posts in this thread, I'm gonna go through all ur threads here, I will just ask questions in that thread and refer to that thread in.
U have beer rules there like Alaska or it's the lower 48 rule depends what side of Mississippi you are on is dictated what you get.
I'm referring to the 1st posts in this thread, I'm gonna go through all ur threads here, I will just ask questions in that thread and refer to that thread in.
U have beer rules there like Alaska or it's the lower 48 rule depends what side of Mississippi you are on is dictated what you get.
Ok the fresh frozen larf, I do a 10 minute wash now shaking the jar every couple of minutes.

You know how cheap I am; I would be distilling the cheap vodka even if Everclear was available because of the price.
I have to start over from the beginning and read. I need to make my own vape juice
I have to start over from the beginning and read. I need to make my own vape juice
So fare the easiest process is to do a warm 5 minute wash with highest proof you can get. Strain it through a Buckner filter [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Winterize it in the freezer at least overnight, actually a couple of days works better. Then as fast as you can filter it again through the Buckner filter [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. The idea is to get as much of the wax out as possible. Wax will go through the filter when not frozen. Then I evaporate off the ethanol and water. collect the QWET and thin and flavor it. For each gram of QWET I start with 0.2g of Viscosity and 0.1 to 0.2g of Flavor Terps. You have to play around with this a little to get it just right for each batch of QWET. I have not found the perfect cartridge and I have tried a boat load of them. These work fairly well.
ScreenHunter_174 Feb. 07 13.27.jpg

I get them at ElegantAware, they might be on Ebay as well. I also use a good MOD battery AtmosMR50. Little batteries don't work well.

I stopped making the video after thinking about the possible liability of someone burning down the house or worse. Be careful handling pure ethanol it is really flammable.

Do you have an idea of the return, like Qwest per oz of bud? Trying to get an idea about how much to run? I was also thinking about using the magical butter machine recipe for two. Then use that in place of the qwet. And did you say how much juice 1 q would make? I cant find vapes where I am at, so may just make my own.
Return is all over the place. Good bud will give anywhere from 15% to 25% or 4g to 8g. Then the thinner and turps adds 0.4g per gram so 5.6g to 11.5g per ounce of bud.
QWET is the only extraction method that worked for me for vape oil and I tried them all short of co2 which would be ideal. You need to be doing a commercial operation to afford the co2 equipment.
Making a vape pen on your own will be an adventure. Most of these are not worth the plastic they are made from:

...I am trying this because of the results Dinafem is showing in what appears to be a room temperature QWET extraction? They are using 100% ethanol. I have used 100% as well as 85% and they really did not look much different. I am hoping that the lab filter will make the difference...

I've made the palest honey oil at room temperature with around 100% ethanol. The secret knowledge is to mix in some powdered activated charcoal before filtering.

Yesterday I did a quick 3 minute 95% iced ethanol extraction using just 10g of bud, (8.9g after being further dried in oven) got about one gram+ of very nice amber oil and more (0.5) of a lower quality second extraction. However the room temp ethanol with activated charcoal worked much better than a quick chilled wash. The charcoal removes all the chlorophyll and waxes.

So fare the easiest process is to do a warm 5 minute wash with highest proof you can get. Strain it through a Buckner filter [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Winterize it in the freezer at least overnight, actually a couple of days works better. Then as fast as you can filter it again through the Buckner filter [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. The idea is to get as much of the wax out as possible. Wax will go through the filter when not frozen. Then I evaporate off the ethanol and water. collect the QWET and thin and flavor it. For each gram of QWET I start with 0.2g of Viscosity and 0.1 to 0.2g of Flavor Terps. You have to play around with this a little to get it just right for each batch of QWET. I have not found the perfect cartridge and I have tried a boat load of them. These work fairly well.
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I get them at ElegantAware, they might be on Ebay as well. I also use a good MOD battery AtmosMR50. Little batteries don't work well.

I stopped making the video after thinking about the possible liability of someone burning down the house or worse. Be careful handling pure ethanol it is really flammable.


I’ve already liked this comment and your entire post on this subject. I’m simply posting to say thank you Sir. You make it sound very straight forward. I must try this in the near future.

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Return is all over the place. Good bud will give anywhere from 15% to 25% or 4g to 8g. Then the thinner and turps adds 0.4g per gram so 5.6g to 11.5g per ounce of bud.
QWET is the only extraction method that worked for me for vape oil and I tried them all short of co2 which would be ideal. You need to be doing a commercial operation to afford the co2 equipment.
Making a vape pen on your own will be an adventure. Most of these are not worth the plastic they are made from:

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I was going to be asking about carts as I get closer. Did you ever try RSO to make vape oil? Thinking it could be really thick.