New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto

Watering/fertigating is an acquired skill. I don't know about your feed schedule but I always recommend following the vendor chart for your style. Water slowly as not to create channels through the pot and try to get every part equally moist to about 10% to 20% runoff.
Thanks @Mañ'O'Green

Getting a bit more confident with the watering. Decided to go with 1.5l water with 3ml of grow and 1.5ml of magne cal twice a week. Will up the nutes weekly. Giving 1.5l of water per day in between feedings but may increase as she's starting to drink quite a bit now.

Will update tomorrow on her 4 week birthday!

Day 28

Today is my blue dream autos 4 week birthday! Fed her 1.5l of water today with 3.5ml of grow and 1.5ml of magne cal. She is drinking a lot more now so will water again later tonight with 1.5l of plain water.

She is looking a lot healthier and the calmag def she was experiencing early on in the grow has completely stopped. Leaves are looking a nice shade of green and bushing out like a champ. Still tucking to allow light to get to the tops (9 in total). The canopy is looking very uniform.

Im really enjoying this grow and a lot of that enjoyment is down to you guys on here helping me along the way.

Here's some pics.


It's getting really dense below the canopy, wondering when I should start a bit of defoliation? Too soon?

Day 28

Today is my blue dream autos 4 week birthday! Fed her 1.5l of water today with 3.5ml of grow and 1.5ml of magne cal. She is drinking a lot more now so will water again later tonight with 1.5l of plain water.

She is looking a lot healthier and the calmag def she was experiencing early on in the grow has completely stopped. Leaves are looking a nice shade of green and bushing out like a champ. Still tucking to allow light to get to the tops (9 in total). The canopy is looking very uniform.

Im really enjoying this grow and a lot of that enjoyment is down to you guys on here helping me along the way.

Here's some pics.

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It's getting really dense below the canopy, wondering when I should start a bit of defoliation? Too soon?

Coming right along now. Keep up the good work.
She looks nice and healthy M8. I'm sure you could defol a bit now or wait til she stretches which is gonna be prob the next 2 week sand give her 1 good defol then. Good luck with her :smoking:

Thanks for the advice mate. I'm going to to start by removing the badly damaged leaves and see how she copes. I've read a lot about defoliation but it'll be my first time and nervous about doing it. Pretty much all the bud sites have good light apart from the centre of the plant, I may remove a couple of leaves that are blocking it.

Just to make sure I've got the right idea I'm trying to expose all the bud sites but still keep an even canopy with as much leaf surface area as possible? And to get rid of all the small branches that won't make it to canopy?

Thanks for the help.


Thanks for the advice mate. I'm going to to start by removing the badly damaged leaves and see how she copes. I've read a lot about defoliation but it'll be my first time and nervous about doing it. Pretty much all the bud sites have good light apart from the centre of the plant, I may remove a couple of leaves that are blocking it.

Just to make sure I've got the right idea I'm trying to expose all the bud sites but still keep an even canopy with as much leaf surface area as possible? And to get rid of all the small branches that won't make it to canopy?

Thanks for the help.


Thats what your trying to do 100% m8.. even canopy with light getting in.. will be fine with a defoliation. Having seen some defoliation that goes on here on AFN I'm convinced that it does very little to no harm.. the plants bounce right back :headbang:
@hope2grow thanks for the advice

I'd like to do a perpetual grow. Sadly I don't have space for another tent to veg in. Can anyone help with how I can do this in my dr60?

Ideally I'd harvest 1 plant every 4 to 5 weeks. I was thinking about starting a new seed every 5 weeks in an instatransplant solo cup and then transplanting into a smart pot after 10 days. I only have 16l smart pots, I'd be able to fit the pot in but doubt I'd be able to get much light on it with another in full bloom.

Any suggestions?

@hope2grow thanks for the advice

I'd like to do a perpetual grow. Sadly I don't have space for another tent to veg in. Can anyone help with how I can do this in my dr60?

Ideally I'd harvest 1 plant every 4 to 5 weeks. I was thinking about starting a new seed every 5 weeks in an instatransplant solo cup and then transplanting into a smart pot after 10 days. I only have 16l smart pots, I'd be able to fit the pot in but doubt I'd be able to get much light on it with another in full bloom.

Any suggestions?

Run autos only on 18/6. The next problem is light height but with a couple of @BigSm0 auto cobs you should be able to do it.

I've only just bought this qb135w light would I be able to do It with that?

