New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto

I picked up this ascorbic acid from Amazon:
Amazon product

The dosage is 50mg/gallon, so I picked up this scale so I could measure it out:
Amazon product

Haven’t had a problem since.
No need to make this hard. Walmart, Walgreens, Rite aid, CVS etc................ all have store brand vitamin C cheap. Just be sure to get one without other ingredients:

ScreenHunter_146 Dec. 09 22.06.jpg
@Mañ'O'Green Hi mate. I've emailed the company that makes the dechlorinator to ask them if it contains EDTA as it doesn't mention it on the bottle.

Since I've used it and corrected pH, reduced bloom nutes and upped the magne cal all I can see is positives. The leaves that were yellowing and drying out at the bottom arent doing it anymore and are actually taking on water again and feeling less brittle. The top half brown spots have stopped spreading too as well as no more nute burn.

My plan is to monitor her over the next couple of days and keep a close eye for any problems and report back here. I'm hoping the improvements continue.

@Mañ'O'Green Hi mate. I've emailed the company that makes the dechlorinator to ask them if it contains EDTA as it doesn't mention it on the bottle.

Since I've used it and corrected pH, reduced bloom nutes and upped the magne cal all I can see is positives. The leaves that were yellowing and drying out at the bottom arent doing it anymore and are actually taking on water again and feeling less brittle. The top half brown spots have stopped spreading too as well as no more nute burn.

My plan is to monitor her over the next couple of days and keep a close eye for any problems and report back here. I'm hoping the improvements continue.

Good news! Hopefully you’ve found a sweet spot.

:dang:Doh! Wish I’d seen those tablets before I’d bought the fancy scale! Nice to not have to crush them up though
Just had an email back to say that the dechlorinator is EDTA free, is non-toxic and it will not bind as much to heavy metals. It doesn't seem to be affecting the calmag uptake in the plant but I'll keep an eye on it.

Fed her again at 2ml bloom, 1.5ml magne cal per 1l ph'd to 6.3 earlier today.

Day 61

Hi everyone. She's looking really good good now and packing on the weight. Still feeding 2ml bloom, 1ml magne cal per litre at pH 6.3.

I'm going to leave her to grow until she stops firing out new white pistols and filling out the buds. Ill get.the usb scope out on day 70 to check trichomes and go from there.

The calmag I'm using isn't organic so should I stop using it a week before I expect to chop? The bloom is organic so I could keep using up until chop day or should use just plain water for the final week?


Day 61

Hi everyone. She's looking really good good now and packing on the weight. Still feeding 2ml bloom, 1ml magne cal per litre at pH 6.3.

I'm going to leave her to grow until she stops firing out new white pistols and filling out the buds. Ill get.the usb scope out on day 70 to check trichomes and go from there.

The calmag I'm using isn't organic so should I stop using it a week before I expect to chop? The bloom is organic so I could keep using up until chop day or should use just plain water for the final week?

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Looking awesome great fade starring as well I'd go another week of bloom booster then 7-10 flush plain old water
Day 61

Hi everyone. She's looking really good good now and packing on the weight. Still feeding 2ml bloom, 1ml magne cal per litre at pH 6.3.

I'm going to leave her to grow until she stops firing out new white pistols and filling out the buds. Ill get.the usb scope out on day 70 to check trichomes and go from there.

The calmag I'm using isn't organic so should I stop using it a week before I expect to chop? The bloom is organic so I could keep using up until chop day or should use just plain water for the final week?

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Buds are really stacking on. Great pics!

Check out this thread here for general harvest and curing guide:

Also, here is a good thread on final flushing or “cleansing”: couldn’t find link but it’s here somewhere “flushing vs flushing”
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Flushing of any kind is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. Here is the thread you should read:

Buds are really stacking on. Great pics!

Check out this thread here for general harvest and curing guide:

Also, here is a good thread on final flushing or “cleansing”: couldn’t find link but it’s here somewhere “flushing vs flushing”
Ditch those Monsanto nutes and get to using Megacrop!

I haven’t fully made up my mind on the next grow. I’ll either be in my buckets or Autopots sharing a reservoir so I’ll need 4 plants of the same strain and at least the same breeder. Right now it’s between FB GSC, Mephisto ripley OG, or 2 each of Dutch passion, probably blueberry and Colorado cookies. All autos only.

growers Choice is fairly new on the scene I think. My GG4 “auto” didn’t flower until about day 65. By the time she’s done she’ll be 120+ days old, which makes her 60 days older than what they said. It’s ok, she had a rough start, and I’m truly happy to have her at all. My NLs, also from GC, will end up at 80+ days, but the extra veg time let them get huge.

I’m using GH flora nutrients, just about the whole line. I’m happy with them, haven’t really had any problems. But I’ve got the Megacrop line set aside, so I might just use those.

Hope my infirmary comment didn’t come across the wrong way. It’s just that until you’re sure what it is, it’s likely to continue, possibly get worse, and happen on future grows. Best to nip it in the bud. Plus there’s a lot of anxiety because it could be this or could be that and at least with me, I end up doubting every single thing I’ve done.