New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto

@davisgirl I have a 7.5l watering can that I fill with tap water and leave that out to evaporate the chlorine and pour it into a 1.5l watering can to mix my nutes and then water.

I'll add some calmag into the next watering and see how she is after that. I've been giving 1ml per 1.5l every other watering mostly.

DWC seems to get great results but I'd be shit at all the monitoring and Res changes :biggrin:. You seem to know what your doing though.

Do you have a diary? Would love to follow along. Do you plan to start your new grow straight after you've finished your current one? Would be good to bounce ideas off each other if we're both using Autopots.


Don’t be afraid to use the highest dose of calmag.

I use the ascorbic acid, 50 mg/gallon, to remove chlorine and chloramine. The one time I tried to skip it my ladies looked sickly and I had to dump the entire reservoir.

I had to get a special scale to measure out the milligrams because my scale measured in whole grams only.

Here’s a link to my journal It’s supposed to be in my signature too, but I can’t see it on my iPhone.
I can't find any definitive answers on chloramine in my water only that chlorine and ammomia is used to treat water here. So I'd imagine that it will form chloramine before it gets to my tap. Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) powder is difficult to get here but I've found a dechlorinator for use in aquariums. Would that do the job? My thinking is if it's good enough for fish its good enough for me?

Thanks for the help.

I can't find any definitive answers on chloramine in my water only that chlorine and ammomia is used to treat water here. So I'd imagine that it will form chloramine before it gets to my tap. Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) powder is difficult to get here but I've found a dechlorinator for use in aquariums. Would that do the job? My thinking is if it's good enough for fish its good enough for me?

Thanks for the help.

That’s a great idea ... I don’t know why it wouldn’t work.
I can't find any definitive answers on chloramine in my water only that chlorine and ammomia is used to treat water here. So I'd imagine that it will form chloramine before it gets to my tap. Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) powder is difficult to get here but I've found a dechlorinator for use in aquariums. Would that do the job? My thinking is if it's good enough for fish its good enough for me?

Thanks for the help.

No based on my investigation chloromine needs to be neutralized. Just get the cheapest store brand vitamin c tablets without any additives.
@Mañ'O'Green The dechlorinator neutralises the chlorine. Ive had a good read about it too and a lot of people have been using it with no adverse effects. It's already been bought so I'm going to try it out. If that doesn't work then I'll get the tablets.

Also got a cracking deal on a plastic 15l 1 pot autopot with res today from a grow shop that I couldn't pass up. Will use the Res just now to keep the water in, then put it to full use on the next grow.

Thanks for the advice.

If the aquarium dechlorinator you are getting has edta tetrasodium salt keep your eyes open for Cal-Mag deficiencies since it will bind to it and make it unavailable to the plant.
Day 56

Hi folks. Everything I ordered arrived over the last few days and I have to say it seems to be working well.

Been using my new autopot tank to hold 40l water and have added 2 drops of dechlorinator and added about 1ml of pH up to bring it up to around pH 10. Comes down to around pH6.3 when I add magne cal and bloom nutes. She seems to dry out the pot a lot quicker now and is definitely piling on the weight.

Doubt she'll be ready in the advertised 70 days but I'm no expert. Luckily I have until the 20th Jan to chop then have to get sorted for the test grow. Should find out soon what strain I'm doing.

Thank you for the advice!

Heres some pics under the led. Tip burn is from the overfeeding last week. If you want some pics out of the tent let me know and I'll get them sorted.


Pretty! Mine are about the same stage. So you think Jan 20thbis a reasonable harvest estimate? I’d love that.
Thanks! @davisgirl

I really don't know about harvest time, the 20th Jan is just the longest I can let her go whether she's ready or not. I have a usb scope that I'll be using to check at 70 days. She's still exploding with new pistols and packing on the weight and I'm not in a rush to chop her as I'm on an enforced break just now due to funds. :frowny:

I've been following along with your grow and I'm really impressed. I was under the impression that hydro was quicker than soil so you will hopefully be ready sooner. Ill need to pitch in with some chat in your diary to offer encouragement and advice if I can.
