New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto

I went with Growers Choice seeds (noob) and their estimates are total bunk. My GG4 is 83 days old and my NLs are 53 days. I have probably 6 weeks to go on my GG and 8 on the NLs. Though I’d love to be surprised with a sooner turnaround. My estimates are guesses from what I see around here.

Thanks for checking out my grow and saying nice things LOL. I’ve heard plants grow bigger in hydro and my ladies are plus sized. I’ve managed to keep them at a reasonable height and they’ve spread wide. Stop by anytime.
You know, your ladies are looking a little rough. If I was you and I had a spot in a 2019 test team, I would pop on over to the infirmary and see what they say. Just so I could learn as much on this grow as I could, before the pressure is on. Just a thought.

Or take some pics under natural light and page MOG in here.
Not a seed bank I've heard of. Do they get a bad rep? You always learn from a grow no matter what so your next grow will be a lot better. What are you planning to grow next?

I think we have the same autopot system now so between us we'll be able to get over the line with hopefully some cracking bud! What's your plans for nutes on your next grow? I'm going to get some Biotabs.


I've had a really good read about that and I'm almost certain it was a pH problem (too acidic) causing lockout, more than likely a nitrogen deficiency along with others. I also overfed the last couple of weeks as I thought it was lack of nutes so it's burned the tips and probably didn't give enough magne cal.

I recalibrated my pH pen, added dechlorinator, reduced my bloom nutes, upped the magne cal and have got the feed to a steady pH 6.3.

I will monitor the plant over the next few days to see if it stabilises and will definitely make a post in the infirmary if it gets worse.

I haven’t fully made up my mind on the next grow. I’ll either be in my buckets or Autopots sharing a reservoir so I’ll need 4 plants of the same strain and at least the same breeder. Right now it’s between FB GSC, Mephisto ripley OG, or 2 each of Dutch passion, probably blueberry and Colorado cookies. All autos only.

growers Choice is fairly new on the scene I think. My GG4 “auto” didn’t flower until about day 65. By the time she’s done she’ll be 120+ days old, which makes her 60 days older than what they said. It’s ok, she had a rough start, and I’m truly happy to have her at all. My NLs, also from GC, will end up at 80+ days, but the extra veg time let them get huge.

I’m using GH flora nutrients, just about the whole line. I’m happy with them, haven’t really had any problems. But I’ve got the Megacrop line set aside, so I might just use those.

Hope my infirmary comment didn’t come across the wrong way. It’s just that until you’re sure what it is, it’s likely to continue, possibly get worse, and happen on future grows. Best to nip it in the bud. Plus there’s a lot of anxiety because it could be this or could be that and at least with me, I end up doubting every single thing I’ve done.
@davisgirl No your fine, your giving me advice which is what I've been asking for and I really appreciate it. :pighug:

Your right I should make a post in the infirmary asap to nip it in the bud. I'm quite a stubborn bugger at times and need a :naughtystep:. :crying:

You've got a cracking setup and good nutrient lines so you'll be set which ever you choose, must've cost you a fortune! When you use the autopot we could maybe do a grow off against each other? You have few strains that I'm definitely going to try at some point.

Absolutely! Or maybe not a growoff but we could run experiments, airdomes vs none, GH flora vs another nutrient, Autopots vs dwc, that kind of thing.

I have visions of competing at some time in 2019 in a grow battle so maybe we’ll do one of those together? Lots of fun.

My one time I ran into serious trouble, about 30 days into the grow, what ended up being a calmag deficiency and spread like wildfire. My beautiful lady had leaves that discolored one day and within a few days, those leaves just crumbled up and fell off and it was rapidly progressing. I was embarrassed to post pictures. A buddy ended up calling in the experts to my journal and for that I am grateful. I learned a lot from that incident: how to address a possible deficiency issue, whobthe experts were, how to invest in/select/calibrate/and properly maintain a pH meter, and the shortcomings in my environment and how to best evaluate and counter those shortcomings, especially as they related to humidity and more importantly, water quality. Most importantly, how willing people were willing to ask questions, listen, and help.
Hi folks. Took a couple of pics for the infirmary and thought I'd post them in here as well. Will do a full update tomorrow with hopefully some usb scope pics too.

She's frosting up nicely and pistols are starting to change colour.


Wow that’s a nice looking plant! Love the baby frost.
Oh I remember now. You are using aquarium dechlorinator with EDTA tetrasodium salt. This is binding to your metals (cal-mag, iron etc.) and making them inaccessible to the plant.

Just get some cheap vitamin c tablets without any additives.