New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto


I'll have a go tomorrow. Should I strip it all at once or do a few one day then a few more the next? Also should I be taking off the full stem down to the stalk? Or just the leaves?


I use the popcorn buds to make QWET so I do not pluck them. Plus I am really lazy so I don't defo much mainly I do it for air flow. Fan leaves that do not get light in the middle or that shade good bud sites is what I go after when I do it. I make salve out of the fresh leaves.

I'll have a go tomorrow. Should I strip it all at once or do a few one day then a few more the next? Also should I be taking off the full stem down to the stalk? Or just the leaves?



If theres a lot then no not all in one day. But i dont take all popcorn off just the very lower part that will never see light. Wont hurt to leave it if worried. I will post some pics in a week or two after mine hit their final stretch. I feel when doing this plant focuses more on getting tops done and less on stretching to get lowers up.
I did a little defoliation today, removed a few small bud sites and some.leaves. Will do more tomorrow.

Have a question about the top bud sites... The bud that is growing a node down if a leaf from the top bud is blocking it should I remove it? Should I be trying to expose the whole branch/stem??


Thanks for helping me with this, feel like the grow is going well and really don't want to mess it up. Hoping for a nice new years harvest.

Day 48

Hi folks. Did a bit more defoliation and I'll probably leave it alone now.

Fed her 1ml grow and 3.5ml bloom in 1.5l water this morning and then gave her another 1.5l of water with 1.5ml magne cal just now.

Budding up nicely still and I'm happy with how it's going.

Heres some pics.


Hi QB! Just subbing up to watch and learn from your grow. Your lady is beautiful! I bet you’re glad you didn’t try to put 3 more in there!

I’m a new grower too. My first grow, and a week or two behind yours. So I’ll be watching pretty closely. I’m growing with GH nutes, DWC, a GG4 and 2 NL in a 4x4 under 4 cobs and a cheap LED. I’ve had a pretty smooth grow except for that calmag week from hell.

I picked up the 4 pot Autopots XL system for my next grow and I’ll be using the green leaf lineup on that. Not sure what strains yet. I’ve been on a seed buying binge so that will be a tough decision.

I have no idea what I’ll be using for a medium in the Autopots. Probably pebbles on the bottom and coco/perlite on top but I need to do more research.

Picking off the popcorn is a new concept to me, perhaps I haven’t been paying enough attention. I’ll be looking into it a lot more soon though because that’s about where I’m at.

Congratulations on getting a spot in January! Sounds like perfect timing for you. Bravo!
Day 48

Hi folks. Did a bit more defoliation and I'll probably leave it alone now.

Fed her 1ml grow and 3.5ml bloom in 1.5l water this morning and then gave her another 1.5l of water with 1.5ml magne cal just now.

Budding up nicely still and I'm happy with how it's going.

Heres some pics.

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@Qbgrower It is really impossible to determine the health of plants not photoed under 5000K white light. We can help you head off problems when we have good pictures.
Hi I've just read through sure thread and top marks on bringing her round to perfect health :slap:
I'm just started a blue dream from fastbuds currently on day 10 on plant magic soil with coco mixed through at 70/30 with a 3inch jiffy cube with mykos
Thanks for the responses folks. Will post another update later today with pics outside the tent.

@davisgirl Your right! Even 1 more would've been a nightmare to manage. I hope you learn from my mistakes as there's been quite a lot :crying: She's looking a little worse for wear today, I may have over done it on the nutes or possibly lockout? Or light burn? :gassy:

Your setup sounds awesome. DWC seems like a lot of work though? How do you find it?

Did you get the plastic pots or the smart pots? Im pretty sure I'll be buying 1 smart pot autopot and more than likely get Biotabs.

@Bailey Thanks for the rep bud. She's far from perfect health at the minute but I've turned her around once and I'll turn her around again... Hopefully :bow:

@Mañ'O'Green I've taken some pics outside the tent can't get 5000k light so just took pictures in a room with a normal household bulb hope that's ok??

Day 50

I've just watered her with plain water which my 'dodgy' pH pen says is ph7 and I'm hoping that this will help with the way the leaves are looking.

I'm waiting for distilled water to recalibrage the ph pen and pH up down to arrive


Thanks for the help.

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