Grow Mediums Pros Of Growing In Coco ......And why should I use it over Soil.......

Been a real rough year, not use to it but whatever. They have had all close loses this year, the worst. At least my Cardinals are rolling. That game where AJ Green killed it this year against us was so good. That guy plays some football.
Yea hes a pussy tho
Always gettin banged up
Just like their linebacker V. Burfict always was.......
@Hal 8999 I liked what you had to say about the nutes holding hadn't thought about that. I go heavy 100% out the gate. Coco rules my world.
It was hard for me to stop using coco, but I had to make the plunge into DWC. I miss the natural aspect of using coco for hydro. DWC makes me feel like a chemist, ugh.
I forgot to add the tip about diatomaceous earth. If you do about a 1/2 inch layer of it on top of the coco no bugs will be able to come or go. Any that try are quickly sliced to ribbons by the layer of insect razor wire you have now installed. Boy do I hate fungus gnats.
Yes sir
U can grow anything in anything almost successfully from what ive seen
Just takes attention and care brother.......
The down side to bug razor wire is if you top feed once that stuff is wet its a mess.
You only handle it when its dry. Once that layer is on top you do not mess with it. As long as the lip is deep enough to hold everything.