Grow Mediums Pros Of Growing In Coco ......And why should I use it over Soil.......

I am about to use coco for some sweet cheese autos, can anyone tell me if I should add Cal Mag to my feed schedule and would you advise me to use half the dosage as stated on the bottles, I am going to be using the Canna range of nutes.

See above post about cal an mag.
I had the best results when I stopped using reverse osmosis water with coco. Probable the natural nutrient buffering quality of coco. I think it was letting it absorb too much of my added nutrients. From my thinking the coco would bond with the large hard water calcium particles. Leaving the smaller chelate calcium available for my plant to uptake. I would add cal mag, but I do not recommend RO water with the medium. It should also be kept pure. No amendments needed, you are doing pure hydroponics. Feeding via water in a nutrient free medium. I liked the General Hydroponics Maxi series with coco the most. Hand watering multiple times a day makes no sense. Coco holds many times more air and water than soil. That is asking for fungus gnats.
Do not do light feeding with coco, go full strength. It nutrient buffers constantly, meaning it absorbs nutrients in excess and releases nutrients in shortage. I preferred to run a TDS reading of 1100-1300 during bloom. I would peak about two weeks before harvest and come back to a range of 1100. My starting water is a 400 something for reference. You only need two or three days to flush with a flush aid. Hydro lets you switch stages immediately.
You guys had a bad beat last game huh
I figured youd pull it out.......
Ive always liked the ravens
Unless theyre playin the bengals ofcourse