Indoor Living organics in small and very small pots.

Hey guys, thanks for the support.

Day 11, all is well. She gained a lot in vigor these last few days, still foliar feeding twice a day. The micro biome seem to do it's thing and the plant loves it. She is about half way through vegetative stage, I'm curious to see how big she will be when fully grown. I used to work on keeping my Dr Feelgoods under 25cm tall in 1l fabric pots, I expect this one to get twice as tall. I don't plan on LST-ing it unless needed, I'd like to let her be and see how it goes. We'll see.

I'm still not sure when to put my plant on the SWICK, I think I will wait for the first pistols to show but I am openned to suggestions as I have never used this system before.

Day 14. I put her on the SWICK last night after seeing a few roots poking through the bottom of the smartpot, since then she has many more starting to get into the perlite. She is very healthy and vigorous, she went from leaves with 3 fingers directly to 7 and then 9. Still foliar feeding but just once a day with a slightly more concentrated solution.
Thanks @hecno, she really does, doesn't she? So far, I am loving every second of this organic grow. I'm really enjoying the simplicity of it and the obvious health and vigor of the lady. Adding to that that she is from my very first home made batch of feminized seeds and I can say I am very happy with the present results.
Of course I am expecting challenges ahead. The stretch is a big unknown to me in this setup and is coming really soon, she already is growing right before my eyes. :weed:
Fingers crossed for everything to keep going the right way and I'll be one happy camper.
Hey @Recycled, a swick is simply a DIY self watering system. So you take some kind of reservoir like the small tote that I am using and put perlite in it. Then you fill with water up to about an inch lower than the perlite level and you put your smartpot on the perlite. The perlite will wick the water to the smartpot and your plant will essentially water itself. If you look at the first picture of my last post you can see the smartpot sits on a perlite bed in a tote, that's the swick.
Hey @Recycled, a swick is simply a DIY self watering system. So you take some kind of reservoir like the small tote that I am using and put perlite in it. Then you fill with water up to about an inch lower than the perlite level and you put your smartpot on the perlite. The perlite will wick the water to the smartpot and your plant will essentially water itself. If you look at the first picture of my last post you can see the smartpot sits on a perlite bed in a tote, that's the swick.

Thank you sir!

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Day 18. First pistols are showing :woohoo:. I started tucking her leaves a few days ago as she really wanted to shoot multiple tops so I helped her a little bit. She drinks a lot for her size, between 0.5 and 1 liter of water a day. She has multiple roots going into the perlite pumping water all day. Healthy as ever.
