Indoor Living organics in small and very small pots.

Jimmy , she is coming along mighty fine . I also tend to like leaf tucking . :thumbsup:

Thanks a bunch, mate!:thanks: To be honest, I am actually getting just a tiny bit apprehensive about the strecht as she already grows quite fast, shooting branches everywhere and she might fill up my space in no time if she keeps gaining momentum. I already tied down the 2 biggest branches since the photo was taken and I am ready to tie some more if needed. I am about to discover if I was too optimistic with a 2gal smart pot is this small space. :smoking:
Day 22. The very next day after my last update I discovered signs of slight over watering in the form of the first leaves from the bottom getting flabby with the edges rolling inward. I concluded the swick was a bit too much constant humidity for her liking and I pulled her off of it. I also decided to give her some guano/mycco tea for good measure in case some pathogen had invited itself to the party. I bubbled the tea with molasses for about 7 hours (I was in a hurry, couldn't go the full 24h) and decided it was good enough since there was about half a centimeter of thick foam on the surface. She seems to have loved it as she had a serious growth spurt and the bottom leaves that had been dying stopped right in their tracks. :woohoo:

It seems I made the tea a little too hot, though, as she is now showing slightly burned tips on new growth. Nothing big, just a touch, but enough to realize I was over enthusiastic with the tea concentration. Practice and learn.

She is now in full stretch as can be seen and is much more branchier than I like. I tend to prefer Christmas tree shaped plants but she doesn't seem to care about my preferences so I lst-ed her a bit to try and level new growths and lollipopped the bottom to keep it tidier.

Overall she is in good shape and keeps growing like there is no tomorrow.
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Hey guys. I just thought I would update one last time to let you know that I am not going to continue this grow journal as it is no longer relevant. Long story short, I left my plant alone 3 whole days around new year's eve and when I returned she was showing very clear signs of potassium and calcium deficiency. That was just like 10 days into flowering so that was really not a good sign. I do not have anything on hand that could have solved this problem within organic grow parameters so I had to make a decision: cull her and start fresh, let her continue and harvest a joke or feed her hydro nutes. I chose the latest.
So as I said, this grow journal is no longer relevant because I am now using hydro/non organic nutes. To be honest, I'm kinda glad I did because it saved my plant which is now doing well again but I am disappointed I couldn't pull this grow through with just organic amendments. I still think it is possible within my parameters but with much more preparation, letting the soil mix cook and with much higher amendment doses.
Thank all of you guys for your support. Sorry I couldn't finish this one but I am not giving up. I will work more and pull a living organics micro grow in the future.

Couple of pics of the lady to say goodbye.

Don’t let this discourage you from going full on TLO.You just need to make a good soil mix and let it cook for a minimum of 30 days and longer is better when your mix is on the hot side.Which it will need to be for a smaller container.A 2 gal smart pot is all I use to grow beautiful 20”-28” autos with a top dressing at the beginning of flower usually the 30 day mark.You also need worm castings my friend.They will be one of your best friends when growing organic.You will want them in your mix,as top and bottom dressings and to make wonderful tea with.One more thing I recommend highly is a mulch layer especially in smaller containers.I would go to KIS organics and get the Coot mix that is pre made for you and mix and let cook for at least 30 days.Then top dress with ground malted barley and maybe a little insect frass every 10-14 days and you will see crystal paradise develop before your very eyes.Once you have experienced the quality that true organics can produce you will be impressed and amazed at just how damn simple organics can be.Remember to not over think it and try to resist the urge to use any bottled amendments because you don’t need that shit and it’s usually 99% water anyway.Think ahead to what the plant will need in about 14 days and then top dress with it.Cal/mag is also super important and cannabis uses a lot of it.Try to keep the teas simple too you really only need good EWC and molasses just don’t go adding a shit ton of nutes to it or you are defeating the whole purpose.
What BICUITS said!! 100% I’d suggest you just buy a bag of KIS Organics Biochar Water-only soil. For those micro grows you’re using so little soil it hardly makes sense to make your own soil. Their soil is not crazy priced and it’s all lab tested and ready to go when it arrives. Most importantly, Tad guarantees it’s ALIVE!