New grower, 4by4, phlizon2000w, Biobizz soil and nuts, 420fastbuds+Humboldt

Not sure about "expertise" but us old hippies did have some neat hobbies that went along with smokin' da herb while contemplating our next score of good weed. We never considered growing weed since we could buy it for $10-15 a lid!
Bonzais...the main thing I learned from growing them was patience. My problem was I liked the exotics and I never had someone who could tend them properly while I was sick or traveling so I stopped with bonzais and started growing weed. Can't trim weed like bonzais but ya can't smoke a bonzai. Was a peaceful, "watching paint dry" hobby but I liked it.
Personally, I've never amended BBLM with anything and always had consistent perpetual grows. I have gone through the bottom feeding phase but never let plants sit in run off. Since I only use bio bizz nutes, I never feed till runoff, nor do I specifically flush. With your larger pots, there may be better ways to figure all that.
You have more years of growing than I have of life so you are an expert in my book sir :worship:
I got my self overwhelmed at a certain point with 15 bonsais to take care of but for the last 3years I keep at least 2 always Kicking just to not loose the green sight, but yeah, vacation time for me it’s always the worse. I still have a bunch of nuts with NPK balance for all the stages and will Make an experience on using them on a single plant, maybe on the next run but will try it. “Can't trim weed like bonzais but ya can't smoke a bonzai” LMAO. XD

will get some sort of grill to place the pots and the trays beneath, pots sitting in the run off seems scary to me.

I’m gonna add a 10/20% ratio of worm castings coco and perlite to the light mix due to the pots size.
said you normally start the feed at the 3rd week, do you start the lst after that as well? Or they are not connected?

another doubt that is scratching my mind,
will have the fan with the carbon filter and a dimmer for the speed, I went on a cfm/-m3/h learning 101 to find the cfms needed for my space, I know roughly the min amount of airflow I need to have(half the potency of the fan), but when I want to crank it up, will this have any negative impact on the growth itself Due to messing up with the flow? Should I try to keep it constante ?

and what kind of preventions methods should I buy from the start to use Or At least to be prepared for the most likely ones??
I run a 2x3 tent with 4" fans...both controlled by speed controls that activate by temps...and are not always in actually, my flow changes often to accommodate environment...never noticed a detrimental effect as the tent volume changes often enough... Important part is that tent air changes enough...
Yes, I usually start feeding lightly at about 3 weeks .... I top or fim since it's easier than old ass fingers ya know.
There's always gonna be some parameter that needs adjusting. Temps, watering/feeding, and light energy and control of those will dominate the needs...get those things leveled out and you'll be good.
I run a 2x3 tent with 4" fans...both controlled by speed controls that activate by temps...and are not always in actually, my flow changes often to accommodate environment...never noticed a detrimental effect as the tent volume changes often enough... Important part is that tent air changes enough...
Yes, I usually start feeding lightly at about 3 weeks .... I top or fim since it's easier than old ass fingers ya know.
There's always gonna be some parameter that needs adjusting. Temps, watering/feeding, and light energy and control of those will dominate the needs...get those things leveled out and you'll be good.
Roger, just upgraded the carbon filter to a falcon 500m3/h just in case I need to run the fan on max so I should be good.
have received my controller with temp and hum control for the humidifier and the heater, the light will have a timer and will be connected independently, the fan as well with a dimmer.

been reading all the controversial opinions between to top or not to top ;) and FIM, think I will try the LST and leave the other techniques for the photos while I’m still not to keen on the effects it will have.

As soon as my set up is ready I will make a jornal post to keep having input, rock on