Grow Mediums Pros Of Growing In Coco ......And why should I use it over Soil.......


Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!!!!!
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
I recieved my Bush Doctors Coco Loco about an hour ago via UPS......
I also ordered some Biobizz Lightmix and Earthworm Castings, Mother Earth organic bloom supertea, and Biobizz Fish Mix as well........

I dont know which I should use for my next grow.......
Imma throw a Hubbabubbasmelloscope by Mephisto Genetics soon in a 3 gallon equivalent Super roots airpot...... I dont know what the advantages are to growing in coco as opposed to soil, which I have successfully growin in before......

If you guys dont mind, please tell me whats easier and better about growing in Coco Coir as opposed to Soil Mix Mediums and such........

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Coco behaves like the greatest potting mix ever. It holds more water than soil yet also holds 8x the air. You have to actually try to over water and under water. It responds like no other to mycrozial inoculates. The sterile culture allows the mycrozial to take over with out competition. Roots will be the size of ink pen inserts or more. It has a natural ph buffering quality to 6.8, so you can always keep a sweet soil easily. I add my nutrients at a 5 range and let it climb up, no worries there. Flushing is so much easier and quicker than soil. There is almost no medium compaction unlike with soils. It also absorbs and releases nutrients to the plant as it needs. There are no down sides when compared to soil in pots. When it is reconstituted it smells like sweet top soil and has the most spongy light texture ever.
FiberDust has been my favorite brand followed by General Hydroponics brand. No need to rinse or anything. Just give it overnight to soak up the five gallons of water it needs to reconstitute. The blocks are my favorite, but you will need a wheel barrel, real big bin, or bath tub. Pour a gallon or two on and let it sit until the bottom sucks it all up. About 15 minutes. Flip it over and pour a gallon at a time on the center of the block over the next hour, then let soak. You will need to flake it apart by hand, then you are all done. Have fun with it.
I am about to use coco for some sweet cheese autos, can anyone tell me if I should add Cal Mag to my feed schedule and would you advise me to use half the dosage as stated on the bottles, I am going to be using the Canna range of nutes.
Calmag mostly depends on led growing or not from what i understand @Bisto2811

That is not correct. Coco holds/hogs cal. Yes add cal an mag to your coco.

Bat gauno and warm casting are not really needed. For me I have only found them to be a waste of money and a great way to introduce bugs to my grows. don't know anything about canna nutes. Coco doesn't get hot like soil does. So bugs seem to love it. Keep your top layer of coco dry as to limit any place for bugs go lay their larvae.