If its over ferted with organic nutes it will also not burn right. All black. I have experience with both. Its not a fallacy. It's the truth.
Not to open the can of worms too wide Pop, but cleansing isn't about removing magnesium from your plants, it's about removing salts. As you flush salts from your soil and the concentration(read: # of sodium ions) drops lower than that of the vascular system, the ions in higher concentration flow into the lower concentration area. I'm very much interested in reading the articles you're referencing.
Not to open the can of worms too wide Pop, but cleansing isn't about removing magnesium from your plants, it's about removing salts. As you flush salts from your soil and the concentration(read: # of sodium ions) drops lower than that of the vascular system, the ions in higher concentration flow into the lower concentration area. I'm very much interested in reading the articles you're referencing.
If its over ferted with organic nutes it will also not burn right. All black. I have experience with both. Its not a fallacy. It's the truth.
Salt will not build up if u fed right. I like tang feed every water but I don't water everyday like he does and Ive only had salt build up once and that was my first grow before I knew better.I use organic amd non organic nutes but never go over half stregthSome people water once a week, others every few days, myself due to access can water as and when i like or as the plants needs, . Do you think salt build up is an issue if watering less in volume but more regularly as apposed to total saturation which takes days - a week to dry out
The water always flows out the bottom of the pot or sides and is always sucked back up within 6 hours. I just now dump 2 liters in the pot and be done with it. Does this daily feeding keep salt build up to a minimum meaning even less of a flush would be needed come the finish line.
I've got the week off work and to much time to think)
Please people press enter every now and then, I just tried 3/4 times to read some of your replys but they just turn into wall of text and i have to start again Woops
But all valid points everyone keep em coming.