Indoor Professional cannabis growers!

I don't leave the water in the tray, I'd be interested to find out how many people leave it to be sucked back up and how many dump it or vacuum it up. I think to differing degrees we all get salt/mineral/ion buildups, whether we're organic or not. Try growing in a fabric pot some time and look at the outside over time you'll see this white buildup on the outside. A lot of the nutrient sources we feed our plants come in salt forms, it's not like we're knowingly adding salt to our mixes or nutrients(other than Epsom obviously).

I used to remove all the water from my tray to stop the plants wicking it back up! Then i read a Muddy Tip which has made my life much easier!

Stilts! or Feet! To raise the post so that when the runoff water comes out the plant isnt sat it in.

I just leave the run off water in my tray and the fan coupled with the heat makes it evaporate in a couple of days - raises the RH slightly but nothing for me to be concerned about!

I am growing in fabric pots, but no one has even liked or commented on my grow yet :no: I am starting to think its invisible to everyone lol.

Pop your grow in your signature Organic, It'll make it easier for people to get to you! :d5:
That does not work, all it does is close it up, it does not remove it and allow the thread to fully use the whole page. Personally i think its unneeded, there is a new post button at the top of the page and the rest could be put else where too.

Are you on a computer or browsing via phone/tablet? Have you tried any other browsers? For some reason I want to say we had some members say there was an additional button that would show up on that menu depending on what browser you were using (but I could be mixing that up with something.) Might be worth firing up another browser if you have one to see. Using Chrome here.

Edit* Yup, see Blue's on top of it haha!

Also, have you see the AFN Site Suggestion Box thread? Go post up your suggestion there to have it removed; if we have enough people support an idea, it means we can look into spending time/resources into those ideas. The Suggestions Box thread is just so those opinions don't get lost. :d5:

I care not for grammar and have not said this in any other thread only a thread I made and as I am interested in all reply's, I would like to be able to read them all.

An understandable request, for sure. However, when posting on an international forum, it's not really up to you as the OP to decide how members reply to your thread. You are completely entitled to pick and choose whatever information you believe and replies that you get, for sure. Just as anyone here is. You are not entitled, however, to tell people how to post.

Let's not beat this dead horse anymore than it has been. Just asking you to lighten up buddy. :hug: We're all here to learn, whether we type in run-on sentences or not lol. :d5:
I just leave the run off water in my tray and the fan coupled with the heat makes it evaporate in a couple of days - raises the RH slightly but nothing for me to be concerned about!

Do you notice a lot of residue left behind on the tray after it evaporates?
When i clean my main tray at the end of the grow - it's a bit "slimy" lol - but not slimy when it dries, just when i wash it. It just evaporates.
Pop your grow in your signature Organic, It'll make it easier for people to get to you! :d5:

Hey blue, how do you get your signature so it's just the threads name rather than a web link? Does that make sense? Hope you can help "AFN smoke out"
I did mine a while ago and there was something that was tricky. I need to update mine so i'll do that and send you a PM with instuctions :)

I am growing in fabric pots, but no one has even liked or commented on my grow yet :no: I am starting to think its invisible to everyone lol.

Yes there is white showing on the outside. I also put this down to hard water and limescale along with salt build up.
That's easily enough fixed when I'm home I'll pop in to say hi. I doubt it's hard water because I've only used RO water for as long as I've been organic.
Interesting discussion . I'm using a brand of nutrients that call for feeding right up to the 12 th week albeit in a reduced dosage when you get into week 12 . The 13 th week is the flushing stage . I have no idea how this is going to work as this is my first indoor grow but my intention is to follow it to the bitter end and it will be interesting to see how the plants react . :tiphat:
It's down to your browser Organic :)

I use firefox and when i click the arrow, the whole page expands. Same with Safari on the Ipad.
I guess you're using a mobile or internet explorer or chrome? (not tested those)

Alot of the Mods rely on the side bar - it helps us spot any nonsense before it gets out of control! :) There's usually somebody watching all day! (nice job eh! lol)

Hope this helps!
Blue ^_^

I am a FF user to

Yes it rolls up and down but does not allow the thread to move over and take that space. But if the mods use it then I will just have to deal with it :)
I am a FF user to

Yes it rolls up and down but does not allow the thread to move over and take that space. But if the mods use it then I will just have to deal with it :)

Have you tried browsing the site in Mobile Mode (on your PC?) In the way bottom left corner of the screen, there's a drop down menu box that says "-- Default Style" in it. If you click on the box and change it to "Default Mobile Style," it will present much more of the information as text-only. You'll have to try it out to see what I mean (or if you like it.) If you DON'T like it, at the very bottom of the screen (in mobile mode,) there's a link to view the Full Site. I freaked out the first time I went mobile on my desktop; couldn't find the link to go back haha!