I don't leave the water in the tray, I'd be interested to find out how many people leave it to be sucked back up and how many dump it or vacuum it up. I think to differing degrees we all get salt/mineral/ion buildups, whether we're organic or not. Try growing in a fabric pot some time and look at the outside over time you'll see this white buildup on the outside. A lot of the nutrient sources we feed our plants come in salt forms, it's not like we're knowingly adding salt to our mixes or nutrients(other than Epsom obviously).
I used to remove all the water from my tray to stop the plants wicking it back up! Then i read a Muddy Tip which has made my life much easier!
Stilts! or Feet! To raise the post so that when the runoff water comes out the plant isnt sat it in.
I just leave the run off water in my tray and the fan coupled with the heat makes it evaporate in a couple of days - raises the RH slightly but nothing for me to be concerned about!
I am growing in fabric pots, but no one has even liked or commented on my grow yet :no: I am starting to think its invisible to everyone lol.
Pop your grow in your signature Organic, It'll make it easier for people to get to you!