time for a update on my plants in my grow tent with my prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil and my photo plant in my closet grow under a prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil
all these plants just got watered with plain water
plant are doing good my autos in my grow tent stayed kind of small this time but thats ok they might have gotten stressed from the heat wave we have been having the last few weeks
my single photo plant in my closet is just a beast its only in the beginning of week 2 of flower so it still has some stretching to go I am glad I trained the plant well when it was still young
1x sweet seeds - cream mandarin xl auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Mephisto genetics - chem city blues in day [HASHTAG]#30[/HASHTAG]
1x dinafem - critical + 2.0 photo in day [HASHTAG]#8[/HASHTAG] of flower
all these plants just got watered with plain water
plant are doing good my autos in my grow tent stayed kind of small this time but thats ok they might have gotten stressed from the heat wave we have been having the last few weeks
my single photo plant in my closet is just a beast its only in the beginning of week 2 of flower so it still has some stretching to go I am glad I trained the plant well when it was still young
1x sweet seeds - cream mandarin xl auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Mephisto genetics - chem city blues in day [HASHTAG]#30[/HASHTAG]
1x dinafem - critical + 2.0 photo in day [HASHTAG]#8[/HASHTAG] of flower