Indoor Prism Lighting Science CMH Test grow - 2018

Dudes!!!.... grobros...I have to apologise!!........I feel I have "jinxed!" the testing....:redcross:.....interesting side bad luck now spreads electronically:gassy1::smiley1::crying:
Lmao Oh no :cuss:
its time for a update on both my prism lighting science 315w cmh light autos and photo grows both in super soil

I just got done watering my plants in my tent and my closet grow both got plain water in this watering its so easy to take care to my plants now with super soil that I am using to grow my plants

they get mostly plain water and the occasional worm castings tea and seed sprout teas barley tea in veg and corn tea in flower and that's it no bottle nutrients what so ever

my photo plant in my closet grow is so wide with lots of bud sites i had to low stress train the hell out of here but it was worth it and my autos in my tent in the scrog are doing great as well so far there loving the 315w cmh lights can wait to see how the flowers turn out

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

the plants in my grow tent are under a prism lighting science 315w cmh are

2x San Francisco Sour Dough autos from top shelf elite one is in day [HASHTAG]#62[/HASHTAG] from sprout and day [HASHTAG]#55[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x gorillagasm auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#62[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Pineapple crack auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#55[/HASHTAG] from sprout

the single photo plant in the closet under a prism lighting science 315w cmh is

1x lemon tooth photo period feminized from B-S-B genetics in day [HASHTAG]#18[/HASHTAG] of flower

Hey guys, here is update @Day 65 for my FastBuds-Cookie's Cream & 4200k LEC test grow, Very sad I had remove the Amnesia yesterday @Day 65 it was not an autoflower, I found out this morning other's member's also had same issue as me with the Auto Amnesia, getting Amnesia and forgetting to Auto!!! I only wasted my time with one, I feel bad for him he lost 3! Anyways, This plant getting very very close now to harvest... I may start her on plain ph'd water in next couple days... Enjoy!

The last 3 pictures are the Two plant's I took out of light test,Due to height! more then half grow under this LEC..but unable to finish them with just this light...I have the C.C up on a 5gal bucket and ya can see the other two still towering over it...

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Week 6 of flower for the plushberry x tropicanna cpt. Lost count on the others, lol. I don't like to count days, I prefer to listen to the plant. She has huge foxtailed buds. I thought it may be heat related, but I think it is genetic. I've seen a few other phenos of this strain that foxtailed. I'll probably start her on water only next week since a few pistils are starting to amber. My Dog Eats Dog auto cross thar I made is in the back right corner. Its taller than the light. Im letting it flower under 12/12 as part of its testing. You can tell by the plushberry cross that light penetration is not a problem. You can see the lower nugs are nice and solid all the way down. Temps are starting to rise in my neck of the woods, not sure if I can keep the tent temps in check come two months from now. We shall see!
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dude this is a total guess....but is that a pole fan and did you take the back pull up/push down thing out, because it started squeaking??....cause mine does!!!
Yes it is and yes I did. Also that squeaking from it rubbing causes the motor strain and eventually causes it to burn out. I know this as this is my 5th one and I only have 2 left lol. I was not impressed to say the least. Great concept poor quality.