Indoor Powerful's closet grow

dude i feel you on the $$ invested thing. we went wayyyyy over budget lol. really hoping we can get this down and get to the point we dont have to buy smoke no more lol. about to start 3-4 more here in next few days.

same here gotta fire up mini room to start photos for outdoor and drop 3 more autos busy times...
I believe that the soil ph will change over time as it decomposes. Different nutes are absorbed or locked out at different levels. A little higher is good for p. There is a chart somewhere. Ill look

hey man thanks for all your help @Dudeski really appreciate it man.. i believe i saw that chart somewhere too.. hard to go back and find stuff when you have been down an AFN rabbit hole LMAO
Most byproducts of decomposition can be acidic.. If I were you, i'd try running straight 7 pH water through it to see if you neutralize some of the hot spots you may have in your soil..

I could give it a try this time on water see what happens i already went up a couple points..
Update Day 40

well some good news adjusted my nute and water pH a little higher and they seem to be doing welland making a comeback.. i may have slowed down the BBK a little but new growth looks great shes putting weight on and the discouloration on the leaves is actually repairing itself, so i think we may have soved the issue and looking forward to seeing the finished product!! The mephisto girls are doing great and have totally repaired any signs of deficiency.. i would like to thank you all!! appreciate any input or ideas it has saved the girls and they cant thank u enough!!





i think i should have topped this one she stretched like crazy!! i did crush the main stalk just above the rest of the canopy just trying to slow her down a bit and its starting to swell there.. like a supercrop but didnt bend the stalk..

Blackberry Kush



She still has some pretty funky leaves but new growth looks great and shes off and running again so thats great!!

Orange Crack





Orange crack is really putting on some bud quick i am excited about this one also!! no topping or anything and look how she grows!!

Thanks for sliding over!! :pass:
Thanks @Dudeski i soo happy that they didnt turn out like my polarlight from first run,, another cpl days like they were going it would have.. and im more excited for the next try knowing that i can fight it off :)
Great comeback Powerful, what did you end up doing to pull her through?
Great comeback Powerful, what did you end up doing to pull her through?

a couple things.. one is i rasied room temp by about 3- 4 degrees.. it was around 78 ish.

and instead of adjusting pH of water and nutes to 6.2 which is what i was aiming for (dont ask why cause i dont know lol) . i am adjusting to 6.5 or slightly higher.. ive read here that Phosphorus lockout happens under 6.4 pH and is worse with cooler temps..

the first change was a little higher for the pH than 6.5 just trying to get it to swing the right way quickly.. now 6.5 is target and i saw instant result.. like within 12 hrs they looked better.. the DP got hit really hard this time not so much the Mephisto girls but they were starting.. remember POLARLIGHT? DP i think is more prone to this Phosphorus issue and maybe a little CAL or MAG def also.. so with these strains from now on will always adjust to 6.5.. im hoping that takes care of it for future grows we will find out on the next one!!
