Indoor Powerful's closet grow

Update.. Day 34

Things have quickly taken a turn for the worse with the DP Blackberry Kush.. im not 100% sure but i think judging by @Waira deficiency pics in the infirmary that its a Phosphorus or Calcium issue.. but i dont know i have up the dosage of cal mag and am also using Mammoth P with feding on full schedule now.. also raised temps a cpl degrees from about 78 79 to around 81 degrees, i read also i believe that cooler temps slow uptake of Phosphorus? any input on this would be great im getting really worried about the Blackberry Kush, and also now the other two girls have very early signs of the same problem.. HEEELP !! lol

Blackberry Kush

in the last 48 hrs this issue with her has blown up bigtime.. thought it was under control but apparently i was wrong..




Orange Crack


Thanks for coming in!!

:smoking: hey bud! Hmmm, thinking you got more than one thing going funky here man,... P defc. for sure, but the pale uppers hint at others, maybe S defc., or a micronute.... hard to pin down with mixed symptoms sometimes though,.. Well, first thing to check is in-pot pH; P locks out fairly fast when the pH get below range; I don't really see any Ca defc., but sometime Ca and P can have similar symptoms,... Mg might be in play too,... I need full nute info: brand, schedule, any supplements beside Ca-Mg and Mammoth P, what pH you're adjusting to... soil brand; water source, pH/ppm if possible,... but again, that in-pot pH is the key! Do you have a good soil pH probe? Accurate 8 makes a good one,... otherwise it's the dubious run-off method, though there is an improved method and calculation at the Infirmary sticky section,... If all of them are showing symptoms, then we must look for a common cause that would affect so, despite different pots, and strains,... Are the nute's still in good shape, no cross contamination, etc.?....
Oh no. Hate seeing a pretty lady getting all sick. Hope you get that figured out ASAP. Wish I could help. Other than the leaves. She still has A very nice structure and growth. She still has a ton of potential. Positive vibes brotha.
Oh no. Hate seeing a pretty lady getting all sick. Hope you get that figured out ASAP. Wish I could help. Other than the leaves. She still has A very nice structure and growth. She still has a ton of potential. Positive vibes brotha.

yes thank u! the last run also had some serious issues with the 2 POLARLIGHT i tried also DP strain.. Im going to stay positive and im sure its something i am doing wrong but what?

:smoking: hey bud! Hmmm, thinking you got more than one thing going funky here man,... P defc. for sure, but the pale uppers hint at others, maybe S defc., or a micronute.... hard to pin down with mixed symptoms sometimes though,.. Well, first thing to check is in-pot pH; P locks out fairly fast when the pH get below range; I don't really see any Ca defc., but sometime Ca and P can have similar symptoms,... Mg might be in play too,... I need full nute info: brand, schedule, any supplements beside Ca-Mg and Mammoth P, what pH you're adjusting to... soil brand; water source, pH/ppm if possible,... but again, that in-pot pH is the key! Do you have a good soil pH probe? Accurate 8 makes a good one,... otherwise it's the dubious run-off method, though there is an improved method and calculation at the Infirmary sticky section,... If all of them are showing symptoms, then we must look for a common cause that would affect so, despite different pots, and strains,... Are the nute's still in good shape, no cross contamination, etc.?....

Nutrients are GreenPlanet (Duel Fuel nutrient) have been running half the recomended dosage.. also using Mammoth P at half strenght, and Calmag+at half strength also.. this feeding was going to go to full strength on everything, because hey are in full flower mode now i believe..

i do have a luster leaf soil ph tester, not sure how well it works, i always seem to get a reading of 7 no matter what i do..

and my nutrient solution is dropped to about 6.2 or as close as i can get to it.. maybe i am way off here with the pH of the nutes?

thanks so much @Waira for having a look truly appreciate it!
@Waira sorry forgot the soil... its Promix BX its a peat, with lots of added perlite and vermiculite.. also about 1/3 worm castings..

if there is anything i am missing dont hesitate to yell at me! im sure the girls in the closet would if they could speak lol
and i am on well water, last run i was using an R/O filtration system, but i figured maybe i was filtering out some essential minerals, so now its sraight from the well. I am also bypassing my water softener system so it should be alright for extra chemicals
If well water safe, would be my first choice. Can carry a lot of minerals sometime, like if you can see it might be getting too much of something.
so not a water issue, back to accurate ph reading, I think @Waira , is best bet. In my ignorance I would be thinking if soil PH ok, then maybe up nutes. You say you at 1/2 dose? and I don't see any tip burn(too much). Remember, I don't grow this way so I'm just a talking head, lol