Photoperiod Pop22's 2017 Greenhouse Grows


Got the frame up today. Needed help for that. But this frame is awesome! We had it erected and standing on the foundation in 30 minutes! The roof bows have locking hinges at the joints! takes 5 seconds to unfold. The cross braces just snap into the joints, no bolts at all to put this together! I'm in! Picked up lag bolts to bolt the frame to the foundation. I also picked up 1/8" cable and hardware. I'm going to strap the frame down at the middle as a way to strengthen everything a little more. Taking no chances this time. Overkill is just right............

2017 Greenhouse  pic1 -5-15-2017.jpg
2017 Greenhouse  pic2 -5-15-2017.jpg
2017 Greenhouse  pic3 -5-15-2017.jpg
Well, almost gave up............ Thunderstorm the other night had straightline wind so strong it blew my charcoal grill ( a heavy one... ) 6 feet away! Flattened my new, unfinished...... greenhouse like it was stepped on.............. I was very depressed! Decided to take it down and store it, while I wait for replacement parts for the frame. I'll put it up next year. In the meantime, I have a small, 8'x6'x6'6" greenhouse on the way, enough to cover one raised bed. I picked up a couple loads of composted horse manure ( $15.00 a truckload! ) and mixed it with black soil and filled the bed to the brim, 16" of soil and compost! Mixed in some blood meal, Kellog's organic plant food, lime and epsom salts.

Because to season is getting late for planting, I'm going all autos in the raised beds. Will do a couple photo periods in buckets. Will do 2- Blueberry Domina, 1- Hubbabubbasmelloscope, and several Black Dragons. Not even waiting for the greenhouse to arrive, planting seed direct to soil today!

Horse compost.jpg

Yeah, it was a kick in the ass but hey, that's life! And I've got two lifetimes worth of seed to grow..........can't be!

Sorry @pop22 about the mother nature trouble's they can be very brutal. Glad your taking it in stride and still chugging along. Sending you some
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WOooooo Hoooo! New greenhouse should be here tomorrow! Will put it up and hopefully get the raised bed patially planted! Going to plant some Black Dragon direct to soil along the front edge of the raised bed

Seeds were soaked 24 hours. I planted them in my starter pots ( cottage cheese and yogurt containers ). Both Blueberry Domina had tails already! Also 1 CBD haze did and two of my Blue Dragon. I also started a strain I call Mystery Weed. I got the seed from buds I was given to make rick Simpson Oil with last fall. No one knew what strain it was but it was pretty good stuff for having been grown outdoors just planted straight into the ground..... I suspect it may be very good stuff with a little good soil..........

Will take pics when they sprout.
Putting up the greenhouse......... and of course, what should be easy, isn'! Greenhouse is exactly 8ft long. The raised beds are 8'3"... because it didn't matter for the 10' greenhouse I had... Going to cut the un-used bed down a little. Pics later.