Lighting Planning for a DIY COB build

That sounds really neat! You’re not helping my DIY COB addiction with all those cool toys.
Haha sorry man. Just trying to keep busy while I'm not growing, and I just can't resist new toys.

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These storm X controllers seems cool.
Really want to hear more about it... Anyone build light with it yet?
I haven't seen any one have one on here. Growmau5 does a couple videos showing it in action.

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Did some research and testing, turns out I need to attach the ground from wall to drivers to the switch if I want the switch to light up. Thought I'd share that info.

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Did some work on the controller prototype today. I got the cable glands set and I think I need to put them lower on the controller so the LCD has enough clearance.

The initial cuts through the plastic were from either a knife or drill. For the cable glands I just took a rounded file and filed away at the sides after using a knife to cut the initial hole.

As you can see in the image, I drilled a hole through the plastic enclosure and started cutting it with some thread. The plastic on the sides of the project box are much thicker than the face so it's taking me a little longer with the thread. While the speed with cutting with thread is very slow, I still appreciate how narrow the cut is, and how accurate it is as well.

Basically, the idea is to make a hole, insert the thread, and started moving the thread back and forth against the piece you're trying to cut. The thread I'm using is pretty thin so I folded the threads couple times to increase the strength. This strategy worked well for the face, but the sides are much thicker, so I may try to fold the thread even more. Tomorrow I should get a good chunk of this project completed.

The prototype controller should be done soon, and I can start working on the finished product. Also, parts for the new frame should be arriving soon as well and I can start working on that soon too. I'm going to be testing some brazing tomorrow (hopefully), so that should be interesting.

Until tomorrow,

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Quick update on the controller build. Added one of the power socket connectors. Just need to file the other socket hole down. Once that's in place, I need to make a hole for the storm x controller, make a new hole for the COB dimmer, and a hole for the switch.

I'm about to head over to a workspace to do some cutting and brazing on the aluminum frame. Just running some tests for now to make sure everything is as I want it to be.


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Tested out some brazing. It's a little messy but I got better after a couple tries. Little more practice and it should turn out cleaner.

Had to ditch the old plans for the controller as the storm x power cable wouldn't fit in the orientation I had it in. So back to square one for the controller. I have most of the new measurements done. Now I just need to start cutting out the holes.

More updates to come.


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Fast swipes back and forth with the heat . The more even the heat is, the better bead you will get.
Tested out some brazing. It's a little messy but I got better after a couple tries. Little more practice and it should turn out cleaner.

Had to ditch the old plans for the controller as the storm x power cable wouldn't fit in the orientation I had it in. So back to square one for the controller. I have most of the new measurements done. Now I just need to start cutting out the holes.

More updates to come.


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Tested out some brazing. It's a little messy but I got better after a couple tries. Little more practice and it should turn out cleaner.

Had to ditch the old plans for the controller as the storm x power cable wouldn't fit in the orientation I had it in. So back to square one for the controller. I have most of the new measurements done. Now I just need to start cutting out the holes.

More updates to come.


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