Outdoor PharmaZ mars hydro Fast&Vast + black domina x Afgan KUSH Photoperiod

I'm still getting used to my new phone so I accidentally sent that message before I was done.

If this plant were in my grow room I would probably do a few things. I might lower the input pH bit down to about 6.2 or 6.3 with that cocoa mix that might be a little bit better for you.

I would also be adding in some of the bloom and using the Micro as you have been but I wouldn't use any grow at this point.

I'm basing those recommendations off of a few things number one you're getting good run off so we don't have to worry about salt build-up. You're early leaves down low those yellow ones look like the plant was either hungry early or having some watering issues. The spots that particular leave just looks a little hungry to me. Then when you get up to the top of the plant you see a little bit of leaf tip business going on and I'm not positive that's a nutrient burn. It could simply be your plant heading into bloom and telling you it wants a little bit more PK that's why I recommended you increase your Bloom nutrients.

But if you get over to the infirmary you'll get more eyes and will get more experience growers and I think you'll get worked out to where you learn some extra stuff so maybe I'll watch her a few things too

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
I'm still getting used to my new phone so I accidentally sent that message before I was done.

If this plant were in my grow room I would probably do a few things. I might lower the input pH bit down to about 6.2 or 6.3 with that cocoa mix that might be a little bit better for you.

I would also be adding in some of the bloom and using the Micro as you have been but I wouldn't use any grow at this point.

I'm basing those recommendations off of a few things number one you're getting good run off so we don't have to worry about salt build-up. You're early leaves down low those yellow ones look like the plant was either hungry early or having some watering issues. The spots that particular leave just looks a little hungry to me. Then when you get up to the top of the plant you see a little bit of leaf tip business going on and I'm not positive that's a nutrient burn. It could simply be your plant heading into bloom and telling you it wants a little bit more PK that's why I recommended you increase your Bloom nutrients.

But if you get over to the infirmary you'll get more eyes and will get more experience growers and I think you'll get worked out to where you learn some extra stuff so maybe I'll watch her a few things too

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Thanks Jingo :slap:your advice is always very much appreciated.
I will head over there.
The funny thing is both plants are growing steadily maybe not as rapidly as if there were no issues but still growing nicely as you can see from previous pics.
I think spraying of the CalMag water mixture has helped from preventing any major def.
I think the coco/soil mix is preventing them from taking calcium and magnesium from the roots.
With the yellowing of the bottom leaves and the fact the F&V auto is in flower and the KUSH photo plant is surely about to flower soon on 12/12 (it showed preflowers before the switch)
I thought it's time to give them a feed without any CalMag in the mix.
Thanks again Dude
Day 39 (10 days 12/12)

Bit of a long update sorry.
Flipped to 12/12 for the photo plant (Afgan KUSH x black domina) 10 days ago.
She had already showed preflowers before the switch at 27 days old. I think thats pretty early for a photoperiod.
After the switch to 12/12 the preflowers did not come in numbers quickly as I've experienced in the past, they came a few at a time per day! I've been frantically checking her praying they would just jump into flower... finally 10days later they are here, she's throwing them out the tops now so I have everything crossed that it will be smooth cycle from here out...

As you can see I don't have much room to work with and with all the troubles I've had I just wanted to get the KUSH plant budding as soon as possible.

The Fast and Vast is coming along just fine for 50% less light in her cycle, yea I guess she will be small may take longer. But the KUSH plant will take up the space once she gets the chop (I hope)
My first grow with Fast and Vast was in terms of development by far the best, as far as size goes for my small cab they were both nice bushy plants filling my space.
I do like autos and if I had the seeds I would only be growing Autos... these 2 plants are literally from the last 2 beans I had.
Sometime this year things may change and il have a setup (plus knowledge and guidance) capable of producing monster autos. I really hope so.
My next update in 2 weeks, hopfully with some candy on my sticks, unless something fucks up then il be back before then :)
Day 49 (20 days of 12/12)

Black Dom x AK

Fast and vast

Update day 49 (20 days 12/12)

Everything going well, apart from the size of the F&V shes nice a real frosty girl.
The photoperiod is great!
going to have to LST her soon she's about 4 inch off the light and no room to move the light.

IMO It's true what I've read about 12/12 on autos it does seriously damage yeild, and increases your harvest time by a fair amount could be a few weeks on top. I think that the prolonged dark period could be responsible for the extra production of resin on the auto... Anyone ever tried 12/12 on auto before? Could be totally wrong.
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It's a great smoke for the Little I got off that plant. I have about 5g left from 20g
Tastes great smells great, and very sticky.

KUSH plant
Harvesting my KUSH photo in 2days.
Tried a bottom bud off it. Dried for a few days, it looks and smells of comercial... Not happy, we will see when the whole plant comes down.
This second pic is a bud that mutated, it's 2 buds fused together the whole branch looks flat and the side branches come out together 2 branches out of 1 place lol apparently it's an undesirable trait , looks cool though.
All together had problems with both plants, I can't dial my grow area in, it's impossible and financially not worth it. My wife has a condition that doesn't help my situation. I'm constantly trying to battle the ability to grow quality plants for medicinal purposes. One day I will have it all worked out.... maybe :)

Will be bac to post pics of KUSH plant fingers crossed it tasted better than it did last week, very unhappy with it so far though.
Is the AKXBD from world of seeds? I have a few beans of those and was curious how they grow out.