Week 7 (Day 54-61)
Mossy's Gem (day 25) was transplanted into a larger container (4Lt) and inoculated with Mycorrihizal fungi. The younger BlueMystic (Day 19) and PurpleMazar (day 17) were provided regular intermediate feedings of 0.2% fish emulsion, 0.4% Rhizotonic and soil cultures inoculated with active yeast extracts. The initial layer underwent thinning and late LST training (day 60) to reveal hidden bud sites and increase light exposure and air-flow to the lower canopy. These plants continued to flower in full bloom to give additional 'foxtail' sativa-like clusters from the apical cola. Existing flora produced a notable color change upon maturity - dark green-golden hues from the blueberry pineapple phenos and dark-green/bluish hues upon the calyx of the BHK. Both the Blueberry and BHK give a citrus indica-haze fragrance similar to the GrapeKrush variety. Branching is profuse in these plants especially when the apex is stressed, with thicker and more vigorous leaf structures that tend to 'buckle' or 'crinkle' during the final stages of development - this is a well known recessive trait of the Blue family and common among pheno-types. The larger calyxes on the BHK are bulkier, more "rounded" showing the distinctive fox-tailing feature late in her flowering cycle.
Pineapple express has a strong odor, both sweet and musky. Further development of trichome productivity continued into wk7 as the initail layer progress toward maturity - this provides a strong pungent smell from the cabinet upon opening it. Terminal buds are foliar fed mild doses of 0.2% algae/seaweed extract/tonic at lights out with added zinc (25mg), cal-vit D (150mg) and uric/humic acid concentrates. Carb-loading of existing soil cultures ceased while additional measures of kelp/seaweed powder were provided as mulch between frequent waterings (every 14-24 hrs). Vertical vegetative development of the female PurpleMazar slowed with no further indication of auto flowering.