Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

Very true thanks for the link spel. That's one smart cat you have. Looks like an artsy one:)

these lil bastards...

they look innocent and cute but don't let that fool you. The white one (Tixe) is a tyrant and is overly obsessed with my attention. He more times than not will get in the middle of gloworm and i when we are on the couch and glare at her and make yapping noises as to say " back the eff up!" lol. its funny and creepy at the same time. the orange one (Butternut) is so precious and adorable and plays fetch like a dog. it's cute mostly except in the middle of the night when all he wants to do is play and all i want to do is sleep :toke:
LOL. Is butternut the one you have on your avatar? Does your cat like lasers?
LOL. Is butternut the one you have on your avatar? Does your cat like lasers?

lol no that's not butternut just some cute photo i found on the internet...those cats have gone through so many laser pointers. It's one of thier favorite things to chase!
Dunno, if these count:
But.... we have a "bigfoot" or call it what ya will that lives on my parent's land that a bunch of people have seen and I've encountered while hunting but never got a clear look at it. It makes the craziest of sounds somewhat like a bobcat but still very different. We have a lot of swampy land that is hard to navigate that it could hide in I guess.

There used to be a train that rain through our bottom land and used to be a mine line. You can hear it's train horn blowing EVERY night between 12-2 am. Swear to ya. I've had tons of people over to hear it. They can't believe it when they do. It's a train wistle. Nothing that sounds like it. It is a train whistle where there aren't any tracks or trains anymore.

My brother had one of those "night Terror awake" type dreams and he saw the grim reaper following him ans standing over my parents' bed.

I awoke one night feeling like something wasn't right and walked into my brother's room to find a black figure of a person standing over my little brother's bed. It didn't notice me until I said to leave in the the name of Jesus Christ and it walked straight through my brother's bed and through the wall 2 stories above the ground.

I've been to a certain haunted place that many people frequent and actually saw someone pass by the windows several times. I said we need to get out of here someone is outside. I was thinking someone protecting the property or maybe a hunter trying to spook us. As we drove away I noticed there was NO WAY a person could have walked by all the windows at shoulder height considering 3 of the 4 walls where to high up to be even looked into from outside due to sandrocks leveling the building on an incline. And we saw noone or any presence of anyone being there.

My 2 brothers were feeding the horses at dusk and saw a large about the size of half a football field or so from what they said zoom right over top of them not far above the tree line. It made no noise. THey both think it's some military type secret plane as we have a lot of military helicopters pass over our land.

Wanted to add one more. I lived in an apartment for a short while and EVERY night my closet door would open in the middle of the night. I thought my roomie was screwing with me, but no something kept opening it every night if I closed it. I made sure it wasn't some kind of gravty or hinge type thing. One night I even set a heavy box in front of it to find it open up again. I decided just to leave it open from then on out and not provoke whatever it was. It also opened cabinets in our kitchen and turned on the light in the kitchen every once and a while. My roomate said he thought I was awake some nights and doing stuff in the living room and kitchen, but no I was fast asleep. Forgot about that one
Seems like you too are sensitive to them too Gearbear... Thanks for taking the time to share those! You should set up a game cam or something to try an catch the bigfoot!! That's crazy about the train whistle! You should record that too! With a handheld Digi Voice Recorder or something! Great experiences man! Oh that last one reminds me of my Dad's house... The house I grew up in....

It was built in 1780 and amoung multiple resident spirits (that are very active) one of them likes to slam the bathroom door all the time... It's a 3 story home and the 2nd floor is where the kitchen is... There's a 1/2 bathroom in the kitchen. If you leave that door open for any length of time, eventually something will SLAM it shut. Now we've tried debunking it but you can't. It takes some serious FORCE to shut the door all the way... It's just not possible... I've tried for 20 years or so to figure it out! The last few times I went back home to visit my Dad, I have been away from home for quite a few years now, so I sometimes forget about the doorslammer... So I'll forget and just leave it ajar and no shit... a few mins later you'll hear it slam shut. I mean SLAM! If I were to do the same thing I'd literally have to grab it and give it a real good swing shut to get the same audible sound. My Dad tells me that the kitchen now was part of a bedroom back in the day so I don't know if it's residual but it's CRAZY.

Thanks again for sharing Gearbear!
what is up with these ghosts and their door fetishes. Mine has to have the closet door open and yours has to have the kitchen door shut. Your's seems VERY determined to remind you to close it.
Yeah it's incredible. I think they know it's a way to get our attention. Mess with our heads. It really got me nervous the first few times until I started cussin' at it telling it I knew what it was up to lol. Sometimes when I visit NY I'll sleep on that floor and it will make sure to let me know it knows I'm there! I'll just barely get to sleep and SLAM! So now I don't give it the opportunity! I always make sure the door is CLOSED when I'm there! Next time I'm there I'm gonna purposely leave the door open and try to film it slamming it shut!
what is up with these ghosts and their door fetishes. Mine has to have the closet door open and yours has to have the kitchen door shut. Your's seems VERY determined to remind you to close it.
meabey this will stop them!!!

i know even ghosts cant hide from the dark side
:crying: :crying: LBH you are one funny dude man! :crying::crying: I have had many a good times with Air Horns!! That just might work!!! :D Too f*cking funny!!!