I'm looking right now actually lol. It's motivated me to put all my stuff in one folder and then back it up. The PC will have to wait a few days. But, I'm tracking a lot of stuff down. I grew up in a house that was built in 1780. Also had unmarked graves listed on the original deed. The original builder of the house was terrified of cemeteries and didn't want any headstones on his property! lol can you believe that!? So we could only guess where the 3 graves were... That house is incredibly active. To this day... Some I think is residual some I think is intelligent and it knows what it's doing. So growing up hearing and seeing things it did scare the shit out of me and did for many years. After the incident I had with seeing my uncle in '98... I dunno ever since then it intrigues me. I want to see and know what it is. I doesn't scare me anymore. I was scared to death when I seen him! and I ran like a bitch! But after I absorbed it all and realized what had happened to me and my cousin I became very comfortable with it. Now, don't get me wrong I believe if you were a bastard in life you'll be a bastard in death lol Unless you have a change of heart once you know you're dead lol but I believe it's much like life as we know it. There's good spirits, evil spirits, lost souls, & those with unfinished business... not to mention many others. But that experience was a positive one. It confirmed to me "Hey we don't "die" when we die". I was thinking the whole time after seeing him "He's dead! I remember kneeling and praying at his coffin for Christ's Sake! He's Dead!" I couldn't put my mind around seeing him clear as day... Solid just all in white. Surrounded by a white aura. Walking about a foot or two off the ground in this white aura. Like someone poured a bag of flour over him it was INSANE. Something like that has a profound effect on you. Especially when you're in the dark woods in the middle of October and there's dead leaves all around you but he's walking toward you and there's NO SOUND. So many things that aren't rational happening in a split second. It's so crazy. And I didn't smoke pot back then like I do now LOL so I wasn't HIGH! or under the influence of anything for that matter! I think about that at least once a day... It's nuts.