Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

I'm looking right now actually lol. It's motivated me to put all my stuff in one folder and then back it up. The PC will have to wait a few days. But, I'm tracking a lot of stuff down. I grew up in a house that was built in 1780. Also had unmarked graves listed on the original deed. The original builder of the house was terrified of cemeteries and didn't want any headstones on his property! lol can you believe that!? So we could only guess where the 3 graves were... That house is incredibly active. To this day... Some I think is residual some I think is intelligent and it knows what it's doing. So growing up hearing and seeing things it did scare the shit out of me and did for many years. After the incident I had with seeing my uncle in '98... I dunno ever since then it intrigues me. I want to see and know what it is. I doesn't scare me anymore. I was scared to death when I seen him! and I ran like a bitch! But after I absorbed it all and realized what had happened to me and my cousin I became very comfortable with it. Now, don't get me wrong I believe if you were a bastard in life you'll be a bastard in death lol Unless you have a change of heart once you know you're dead lol but I believe it's much like life as we know it. There's good spirits, evil spirits, lost souls, & those with unfinished business... not to mention many others. But that experience was a positive one. It confirmed to me "Hey we don't "die" when we die". I was thinking the whole time after seeing him "He's dead! I remember kneeling and praying at his coffin for Christ's Sake! He's Dead!" I couldn't put my mind around seeing him clear as day... Solid just all in white. Surrounded by a white aura. Walking about a foot or two off the ground in this white aura. Like someone poured a bag of flour over him it was INSANE. Something like that has a profound effect on you. Especially when you're in the dark woods in the middle of October and there's dead leaves all around you but he's walking toward you and there's NO SOUND. So many things that aren't rational happening in a split second. It's so crazy. And I didn't smoke pot back then like I do now LOL so I wasn't HIGH! or under the influence of anything for that matter! I think about that at least once a day... It's nuts.
Wish i still had my old video tapes to show you guys

Back about 15 years or so we dug out the basement of my parents old house and found a bunch of old bones :eek:

A couple weeks after finding them we started having doors being opened and weird sounds etc happening so we setup an old vhs cam we had to see if we could find out what the hell was going on.

About 3 nights into taping we started catching these dim little lights floating around and caught a dark shadow that was on the basement stair case.

Stuff only lasted a couple of months but it was dam freaky at the
Dang bro that's insane! That's always my worst fear metal detecting lol Coming up on some buried body with a ring or lucky coin in the pocket and I get some pissed off spirit following my ass home! lol Yeah that would be some crazy shit to see for sure! I haven't caught anything on video yet. Only still photos and evp's on tape. Wish I could upload some of those on here! I have some crazy evp's captured over the years! Sound is my livelihood so I really enjoy experimenting with evp's and different microphones to capture different frequencies on the audio spectrum. There's a lot more "static noise" than just white noise. There's also gray noise, brown noise, pink noise, etc... No one ever messes with those!
I found these two from last summer. It was a very stormy night and we went out on the hunt in the theory that the electrified air would encourage or allow for better conditions to capture some evidence. We were parked right along the banks of the Ohio River in an old historic section along that stretch of river. I got out and was shooting the river near this power line... Now it's my thought that either one of two things occurred. 1) My camera was sensitive enough to actually pick up the electric charge coming off the transformer on the pole (even though we did not see this with the naked eye). OR 2) a spirit was trying to use the energy from the transformer on the line to manifest or whatever. In the second pic you can see a mist or what not forming on the left side of the picture while this intense energy is encircling the transformer! In the first pic you can see the same intense energy swirling around the right side of the transformer. This only showed up twice in the 5 shots I took at that spot. The rest of the pictures are just like the two pictured minus the intense white energy... So... Explain this one to me! lol


Let me know what you all think of that!

So tonight my niece won Homecoming Queen... YIPPEEE!! LMAO Personally that shit doesn't impress me however this shit does...

My wife and I are sitting here watching TV... Her text goes off and it's my sister in law freaking out... My niece had just won and they were wrapping up the shindig they had in the football field... Well my sister in law is a picture whore lol so of course she had to get one of her with the sash and flowers... yadda yadda... So she's using her digi cam and low and behold seems they caught a SOLID Ghost Girl in HER prom dress it seems. Here's the full picture... I took my niece's face out for her protection but on OUR left... Right next to my niece's right elbow is a light skinned black girl with her hair up... You can even see the hair band... Light blue or green... In a maroonish type dress...

You can see the right side profile of the ghost girl's face... Her hair up in a bun or something like I mentioned... You can see she is SOLID. This is not a double exposure... It was taken on a digital camera... It is not doctored at ALL. It's only a few hours old this picture!

Here's the full pic...
Homecoming Ghost 1 EDIT.jpg

Here's the "ghost girl" cut out and blow up so you can see her more clearly.
GhostGirl EDIT.jpg

I am still astonished at this picture... If I didn't have to water the girls tonight I would have posted this earlier...

Thing is too my niece has always been in tune with the paranormal. She kept saying she wanted to leave because she felt someone was staring at her right after the pic was taken...

We're gonna do some digging (she's in North Carolina) and see if there's any thing in the paper or what not if a girl in her school died years ago or past homecoming queen... Something ain't right!!! PLEASE let me know if you guys see what we see... This is probably the most solid manifestation I've seen that was taken by someone we know personally...
Holy shit! That's some great evidence.
When I was about 21 or so my friend and I stayed at his hunting cabin during deer season. We were both asleep and at about dawn we were both awoken by the sound of the back door opening and shutting and then about 8 or 10 footsteps across the kitchen. We both sat up on the couches we were on and looked toward the door leading from the kitchen in to where we were at and nobody ever came through the door way. I should note that this was the only door in to the kitchen from outside and the only door in to the area where we were sleeping.

We got up and checked and nobody was there. It had snowed the night before and the snow was blown up to the kitchen door and there were no footprints in it.

I can't explain what it was, but we both heard the exact same thing and we were not doing any drugs at the time either.

This old cabin was an old Inn and stagecoach stop back in the 1700's so the place was old.

I'm not one to believe in this kind of thing, but I don't know what it was, but it was definetly a door opening and footsteps across the kitchen.
Yeah great pics West!
I have never seen anything like this, at an old house of mine though a neighbour told me he would often see ghosts in my garden. A few different spirits and he had seen quite a few in his lifetime. So after he told me this, and will only see them if you want to, and believe in them. So I thought okay cool, and a few nights later I was sitting out in the garden at around 1 or 2 in the morning, smoking a joint and thinking..okay I believe spirits exist, show yourselves to me! And nothing ever happened. So I used to think I would believe it when I see it. I do know better now don't have to see them to know they exist.
I'm looking right now actually lol. It's motivated me to put all my stuff in one folder and then back it up. The PC will have to wait a few days. But, I'm tracking a lot of stuff down. I grew up in a house that was built in 1780. Also had unmarked graves listed on the original deed. The original builder of the house was terrified of cemeteries and didn't want any headstones on his property! lol can you believe that!? So we could only guess where the 3 graves were... That house is incredibly active. To this day... Some I think is residual some I think is intelligent and it knows what it's doing. So growing up hearing and seeing things it did scare the shit out of me and did for many years. After the incident I had with seeing my uncle in '98... I dunno ever since then it intrigues me. I want to see and know what it is. I doesn't scare me anymore. I was scared to death when I seen him! and I ran like a bitch! But after I absorbed it all and realized what had happened to me and my cousin I became very comfortable with it. Now, don't get me wrong I believe if you were a bastard in life you'll be a bastard in death lol Unless you have a change of heart once you know you're dead lol but I believe it's much like life as we know it. There's good spirits, evil spirits, lost souls, & those with unfinished business... not to mention many others. But that experience was a positive one. It confirmed to me "Hey we don't "die" when we die". I was thinking the whole time after seeing him "He's dead! I remember kneeling and praying at his coffin for Christ's Sake! He's Dead!" I couldn't put my mind around seeing him clear as day... Solid just all in white. Surrounded by a white aura. Walking about a foot or two off the ground in this white aura. Like someone poured a bag of flour over him it was INSANE. Something like that has a profound effect on you. Especially when you're in the dark woods in the middle of October and there's dead leaves all around you but he's walking toward you and there's NO SOUND. So many things that aren't rational happening in a split second. It's so crazy. And I didn't smoke pot back then like I do now LOL so I wasn't HIGH! or under the influence of anything for that matter! I think about that at least once a day... It's nuts.

Dude that story is crazy! As you say must have had a profound effect on you and made you who you are today!
I believe some people are naturally more in touch with the spirit world, kind of like when a person opens their third eye, and reports being able to feel spirits that flow by humanity on a daily basis. As I mentioned I have never seen anything paranormal but I think that's just another way of viewing the exoteric, or occult 'dimension' that surrounds us. Anyway, how do you find weed affects this ability? Also the difference between how weed affects it, and hash, or vaping vs. smoking? Do you still have these kind of things happen?
I actually looked at the 1st picture before I finished reading your whole post - I got as far as the "they caught a SOLID Ghost Girl" when I opened the pic to see if I could find it without being swayed with any addition info. At first I didn't see sh*t, then I saw it. I was like Whoa - first thought double exposure but can't do that 'effect' without software with digital files. Face is clearly visible.

Exactly! Thanks TBM for stating that...

OH By the way this picture was taken on a cell phone! My wife's friend is trying to say it's a double exposure in to a blur! LMAO Like TBM says... You can't do a D.E. on digital without photoshop or something like that. I don't own anything other than Irfanview and personally I'm a sound guy -- I edit sound NOT photos or vid.

So she gets this pic on her cell, my wife jumps it to her computer with her cell phone memory card... then I jumped it with my jump drive only to take out my niece's face. That's the first thought I had was double exposure but again NOT possible on a cell phone or digital camera without manipulating the picture... I don't know if you all know of Patrick Burns... He has/had that show Haunting Evidence... He's an old aquaintance my wife keeps in touch with... I'm going to ask him to have an Expert look at this and confirm either way. We've caught faces and shit before but this takes the cake...

Thanks Jackal!! Appreciate you stopping by!

Mellow Yellow that's a crazy ass story!! Places that old hold so many energies... Could have been someone that loved it there or just residual energy... Either way that's bad ass! Thanks for sharing!!

StickyBuds! Thanks for checking it out brother!! I don't think smoking has an effect on things you see or experience... I can't remember off hand... I mean when I saw my uncle I didn't smoke weed then at all... I started later in life... BUT there have been times things have happened when I was stoned and wasn't expecting it and let me tell you it's a total BUZZKILL!! LOL Your adrenaline just kills the buzz right away... Especially when you're taken by surprise!