Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

loll... already into 15 min myself... lol i should be working too!


that a boy!

they got some pretty credible testimony in this film! Old guys are starting to talk now that they lived a full life. Keep the disclosure coming!!!
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Hey Buds! I thought I would throw this out there to see how many of my fellow paranormal enthusiasts/ghost hunters are out there...

I had an experience back in 1998 along with my cousin -- we both saw our uncle that has died 5 months earlier. To make a long story short... So there's nothing anyone can say to me or show me to prove "ghosts" or the "afterlife" don't exist. Thought this would be a fun topic to talk about when you're tokin' out! :D Have gotten some interesting pics over the years as well... And I'm not talking "orbs". Better evidence. I was searching for answers long before the "ghost hunters" thing caught on. I'm sure may of us have! Also, being an audio engineer I have captured some great EVP's. That interests me as well... So let it rip buds! Any personal experiences or photos??

tell me how dith you guy see him? same time and where? and clear?what where you dowing and thinking

I have a ghost cat. My neighbor's kid saw it. My daughter saw it. I've seen it. No one had said anything to us about it before we reported seeing a cat in my hallway. We all had the exact same description. Haven't seen it lately, but sometimes I feel it is here.

i see mine dead cat a few time's (i have his brother cat looks a bit the same) i open the door for the dead cat few time and went too bed and found my live cat sleeping there?
it happen 2 times and seying too mine partner is the window open (meaby the cat walk kwik up?) but window was closed?
i realy think i was tripping and no i dint smoke mine autoflowering Haze:eek:

I'm gonna throw this in with the Paranormal unless someone else wants to start a UFO thread... Personally with me, as far as UFO's are concerned, I always first think Government... But sometimes is see stuff that really makes me scratch my head. The guy in the video reminds me of me... LOL I'm always pausing my DirecTV DVR when I think I see stuff LOL. Here's the link. It's a quick to the point vid. It's intriguing...



spelsylver i gone watch it later sounds like a good video:toke: thanks
That's funny, I posted the link to that NFL video on page 2 I think... that was crazy.

LBH to answer your question about my uncle's ghost. It's a bit of a story.

It was back in 1998. My uncle died in May 1998. When we saw him it was mid October 1998 (don't remember the exact date). My cousin is about 8 years older than me. I was 18 at the time so he was 26. My uncle died at his home but on the property. They had 200 acres. Horses and stables. He had a heart attack in the stable while he was feeding the horses. He was 42. Very tall man, 6'5" and about 280 pounds. Stood out in a crowd if you know what I mean lol. So again this was in October about 5 months or so after his death.

My cousin and I were visiting my aunt. My family is pretty close so we were trying to help her out. She was a widow at 36 with 3 kids... One with Leukemia so we were trying to help her with the kids... Anyway they are all big into ATV's and 4-wheeling. Having 200 acres you kinda have to have them anyway to keep up with your land.

It gets dark here early in the fall... like 5pm. My cousin and I were visiting her and the kids were getting ready to go to bed and we were getting ready to leave and go home. Well, he says "how bout a night ride before we go?" So I had my ATV there as well (I kept it there when I was living in NY) so I said "Sure why not!" It was a full moon I remember that. Clear, crisp, chilly... Leaves crunchy all over the ground. You could certainly hear someone walking through the leaves, crunching under their feet.

So we take off on our bikes and my cousin can be bit of a douche bag LOL he likes to always mess around, play jokes, but he's risky and most of the time he gets himself hurt LOL me I'm more reserved and mellow. I just like to enjoy the scenery you know? lol Well, if you can picture riding through an open field with a wooded area on your right coming up. A trail head on your right through the wooded area loops around like a horse shoe and brings you back to that open field just about 100 yards down...

We no sooner hit the field and my cousin shuts his lights off to his bike and takes off into that wooded area... I can barely see him through the moonlight and of course lose him in the woods. I take that right, following behind where I last saw him and slow down a bit... It was very dark, very wooded, trees everywhere, leaves covering the path, but I could see he had been thru there cuz the leaves were all messed up from him tearing through there. So at this point I just have my headlights from my bike but I can't see but 20 yards in front of me and I've lost him by now...

The path goes straight for about 50 yrds then loops around to the left for about 200 yards, then loops left again for another 200 yrds to bring you back out to the field... Well I went down to the end of that first 200 yard straightaway and came to the last turn left to go straight out of this wooded area... I turned and faced my bike heading out of the woods I was in... and I cut my bike off...

Now I'm looking towards the way out of the woods. To my left is where I just came from. To my right is a rock wall that drops down on the other side about 5 feet. I take my helmet off and I'm listening for his bike. I figured it was pointless to keep riding around in the dark like a jack ass looking for him (which is what he wanted anyway LOL and then to scare me no doubt) so I tried to 1 up him.

I couldn't hear shit. LOL I thought I would be able to hear his bike but after a few seconds I realized he was somewhere doing the same thing. Well he was... He was right over that Rock wall right beside me but a bit behind me but I couldn't see him. Just as I was getting fed up I saw something in the corner of my left eye...

I turn and look and I see my Uncle walking towards me about 30 yards away. He was all WHITE like someone poured white paint or a bag of flour over him. His skin was even white, his clothing, everything. He was about a foot off the ground but WALKING. I couldn't hear his footsteps in the leaves. His feet weren't even on the ground! He was all engulfed in white light. I just stared at him as he was getting closer to me. And then it hit me that I was seeing a dead man.

I threw my helmet on... Kicked my bike on and blasted the hell outta there! and when I hit the opening of the trail into the field there was my cousin to my right and he almost ran right into me as we both turned left to go back to the house. We slowed down and started yelling at eachother "DID YOU SEE THAT?! WTF!! OH MY GOD WHAT DID WE JUST SEE!?!?!" We flew back to the house and told our aunt and my mom was also there and our grandparents. They were all shocked but believed us. We were so shook up.. TO this day whenever we talk we bring that up. HE lives in Oregon now so we don't see eachother much but I'll get a random text saying "Remember when we saw Gary's ghost in the woods?!" and I'll reply "Fuck yeah! And we got the hell outta there!" Needless to say we didn't ride at night there anymore... Come to think of it.. I haven't rode at night since then...
cool story thanks
... Come to think of it.. I haven't rode at night since then...
meabey you guy's must ride the same way rouwnd same time again (just see see if he wanted too tell you guy's somthing?)
I think one of us was going to get hurt and he was trying to get us out of there. I know if he was alive then he wouldn't have approved of us riding at night. Especially knowing how my cousin is lol Live Wire! So I think he was just trying to get us out of there and back to the house. And that's exactly what happened! I often think about what would have happened if I hadn't took off and stayed there and see what would have happened. It's what makes me so into the paranormal now. And no one can tell me it doesn't exist or that ghosts don't exist. I saw one! He was solid, full body, just all in white. I'll NEVER forget that. It's burned into my mind. And I'm so glad I got to experience that. It makes me confident in the fact that I know we don't just lay in the dirt and rot when we die. We just go someplace else...

Spels I will watch that vid when I have more time. That's awesome! Thanks! The wife and I will be going on a few hunts soon so hopefully I'll have some evidence for reviewing! What's your opinion on the pictures I posted in the previous pages?
"i see mine dead cat a few time's (i have his brother cat looks a bit the same) i open the door for the dead cat few time and went too bed and found my live cat sleeping there?
it happen 2 times and seying too mine partner is the window open (meaby the cat walk kwik up?) but window was closed?
i realy think i was tripping and no i dint smoke mine autoflowering Haze"

That's cool LBH! It's cool how our animals stay with us after they die... :smokebuds:
Spels I will watch that vid when I have more time. That's awesome! Thanks! The wife and I will be going on a few hunts soon so hopefully I'll have some evidence for reviewing! What's your opinion on the pictures I posted in the previous pages?

The picture of the ghost girl is really stunning. the best and clearest photo i've seen captured i've ever seen! You seem to be connected to energies West. You would be a good candidate to be a meduim if you really wanted to. Ever give it any thought or have any interest in fine tuning your awareness?

Those pictures with the strange neon lights...gloworm and i saw somehthing very similar to that on our drive home one night about 3 months ago. It was this bizzare light that seemed to trail off at a rapid pace and then it just vanished. I was driving so i couldnt keep a steady eye on it but i told gloworm to keep her eye on it and she did for about 15 seconds, then it was just gone.

There was one instance though, that i was able to snap a photo with my phone. I had just got done with class...this was last year in january i think so there was still snow on the ground and very very cold. I was walking towards the train station and looked up in the sky to notice 1 big orb thing appear above 2 buildings, right over the train station. It was really cloudy that night so any light that pierced through was super noticeable. Then the 1 big orb became brighter and brighter and 3 smaller orbs appeared around it. I whipped out my phone as fast as i could and snapped 1 photo. All 4 orbs were gone after i took the photo but i was able to get a really good shot of what i saw.


There was another person staring at the orbs too. He is in the lower left hand side of the picture. I was so stunned i didn't even realize there was another person around until i looked at the photo later. I stood there for a good 10 minutes just waiting for something to return but nothing came back.

I contacted the local news the next day...they too were baffled by this picture but would not run a story on it because i was the only one who called this in. 1 and only picture i have of any kind of UFO evidence.
Spels that's NUTS! Great thinking to instantly react and grab the camera. Most of the time we don't have cams on us or don't think to use our phones in the stunner of the moment! That is great evidence! That thing you and Gloworm saw that definitely sounds like a spirit traveling or something... All of those I didn't see with my naked eye. Only in the pics. I have often thought I was a little more in tune than others. I think it's genetic and I have it on both sides. My Dad's side was from his mom. She was full blood Seneca. She saw stuff all the time. I think it had to do with her Native blood. More in tune with the spirit world. I grew up with her telling me stories of her encounters and experiences. My Dad was touched by a ghost when he was still in diapers. He's 68 now lol and still tells the story as vivid as he saw it that day. Really made an impression on him. It was in the house he grew up in. He was walking up the stairs and had his hand on the railing. When he got to the top this woman in 1800's style dress was walking down the hall towards him and stopped and put her hand on top of his. He always says it felt like a living person's hand but just ice cold. She looked down at him and smiled. Then walked off and disappeared through a wall. It affected him profoundly.

If I had more time I guess I could try to hone my skills. My wife and I try doing esp all the time LOL and we do read eachother's minds quite a bit lol She's the same way. Her mom is an LPN at a local hospital here and she sees things there all the time. Once she was doing bed checks and she came out a room and looked down the hallway... She saw a Doctors Coat only just floating down the hall and go into a room. So she followed it and when she got in the room she saw the patient laying in bed and no doctor. So she walked up to the woman in bed and the woman says "Honey, whatever that doctor did to me I sure feel a lot better". She said she just smiled at the woman and turned and raced out of there. She was all shook up. They also have to do their nightly reports in this one storage room that's an old hospital room but converted to a janitors closet or whatever. But there's a desk in there where they have to sit with DVR's and audibly record the patients reports. They say they hear evp's on them all the time. Weird breathing and coughs... Weezy voices... Creepy shit. Also the old call button/intercom is disconnected but still goes off. They'll get calls to the closet LOL Guess some patients are still in the "old room".

Here's my only UFO evidence... Mrs Reb and I were smoking and sharing some MJ with our ancestor's on an old Indian Mound over in Ohio... We had climbed the mound and sat down, burned one and left them one. I take one and bury it in the dirt on the top and leave it there for them... We walk down the mound going back to the car and I see this shiny metallic thing in the sky.. The sun was beaming off of it... So I took a few pics. I submitted a report to MUFON. They actually called me. They have yet to get back to me but they validated it for me. It was totally silent. no wings. it was not a plane. Like a long silver metallic cigar...

skycruiser 001.jpg skycruiser 002.jpg

We tried to hurry up and get in the car and chase it to get a better shot. But it was September and the trees were still full and we lost it... Still don't know what it is... Thanks for sharing Spels!
Here's a close up so you can see it better...

skycruiser cutout.jpg
Here you go JM!

@realcarlos, yeah kind of like Zietgiest so far but not about religion at all. Im thinking its more like that movie Kamatica...more about being aware and waking up...seeing the system and institutions for what they are and most importantly realizing that free energy does exist. How powerful each of us would become if we tapped into our true selves and reached our potential as beings? I'ts an exciting time to be alive, with masses waking up day by day.

Look at the Occupy movement. Over 1000 places where people are protesting all over the nation...when's the least time you heard of THAT happening? Change is happening alright, and Obama ain't the one bringing it! lol

Very true thanks for the link spel. That's one smart cat you have. Looks like an artsy one:)