Alright here's my encounter. Actually I have 2, one with something and one of a UFO.
Well the first encounter I had was when it was about 20 years ago.
It was late and I was laying in bed waiting for a girl to call me. I remember watching the clock and waiting for a certain time for her to call.
My room had an outcrop type of wall on one side of room, kinda like this \_/
Now there was a window on each part of that wall; 2 tall/Normal windows on the outer parts and a long skinny window on the center that was close to the ceiling.
Well while laying in bed waiting all of a sudden I Heard a Very Loud noise, sounded like a giant explosion. I immediately thought this military arsenal located close to my house was bombed or blew up. Then right after the explosion sound, my whole room went pitch black, except for the long skinny window in the center. It was shining very bright, like there was a flood light right outside pointed right at it.
While laying there in shock looking at the window wondering WTH just happened and if something did blow up, a Big Dark Shadow figure steps out of my closet and walks right next to me in my bed.
I was so scared I couldn't stop looking at it. I tried to close my eyes, I tried to cover my head, I tried to wake myself up (thinking I must be dreaming), but I couldn't.
The figure then stepped back into my closet, right when it step into the closet my room lit up like normal (well a normal room with the light off).
Well I told almost everyone I knew about this encounter for years.
I then watched a movie called Mothman Prophecies and how the Mothmen appeared was almost exactly like what happened to me. It was crazy as hell when I watched that movie.
So that was my first encounter.
My Second encounter wasn't really an encounter, just something I saw.
The second thing I saw was a UFO (well I don't like to say it was, but it was something).
A buddy, a friend of his and myself were out stargazing (I had a really nice Telescope (that I ended up selling to get money for my current/first grow). We were away from the city a good 25 miles at an Observatory in the country.
He was looking through my telescope, his friend through my Binoculars and me just looking up at the sky.
Well I saw a fairly fast moving light. Not super fast, but if you've ever seen a satellite or space station go across the sky it was at about that speed. Takes maybe a min or 2 to get from Horizon to Horizon.
So I was watching it, thinking it was just a satellite/or space station when all of a sudden it just stopped.
It stayed still for a few seconds then it looked like it started going the opposite direction slowly for another couple seconds, then it stopped again and appeared to be heading towards us (well we were very, very, very far away from it though), then it stopped again and I was like WTF.
Well after it appeared to come towards us and then stop it just took off back toward its original direction and it went FAST. It was like a stream of light for a second and then it was just gone.
I started telling the 2 people I was with about it and they thought I was fucking with them and I made it up, but I wasn't.
It was crazy as hell.
Well those are my 2 encounters and even though I saw what I saw, I don't say I saw a UFO and I don't say I saw a Mothman/Ghost. I just say I have no idea what they were, but it's what I saw.