Indoor Silver Run & Future 86 Home Thread -- Rebel's Creations

Thanks Brudda!! Well, no. Not really... LOL I'm still stuck with Satellite HughesNet until the State of WV "approves the permits for the poles" they need to hang the lines for the broadband... Always something!!! So it's the hurry up and wait... But at least I can do pics!! Between this thread and the Two Kaos threads it took me almost 2 hours! RIDICULOUS!!

Thanks for warp speedin' by my friend!
:hump::drool: :hump: Oooh man, even wedgier!! Pass the Blue cheese dressing and bacon crumbles-- :grin: When will you take he, about 10w? ...9 weeks, like 6! Ahh, that Affy smell,... make me miss that Pure Afghani from my first grow! ...good call on doing some strategic pruning, especially when the buds are that compact,... :devil:- looking forward to nekked pics when Chop-Eyes comes to town!
Deeewd- :bone: put that magic wand-oo back in your pants before somebody loses an eye!! :crying: A whole wing of preggo' Sweet girls + F2 (3?) F-86,...:brow:-- bored and horny cabin fever got to ya, ay? :roflcry: ... fab' possibilities in those pairings, Chz. cross has my nose twitching already! Fem'ing sounds like a fun challenge,... :goodluck:

..too bad about the broadband delay, dammit! :slaps: I hope it'll be worth the wait,... My jalopy PC, still crashing despite all manner of tweaking and updating everything,...and getting real slow on load up's now as well, is going to the glue factory soon! Time for a new unit, after 5+ years,... gonna roll with a i5 chip, at least a 1GB vid' card, 8-12GB memory, to stay phat enough with how porky everything else is getting these days! l found a Dell Inspiron deal, looks to about $540+tx with discounts, but I'll call and chisel more anyway, waving Costco's XPS8700 at them, for the same base price,... ATT still bites though, and likely, I'll be switching services...probably a CommunistCast bundle of some sort! :My game in town here too dammit!
:hump::drool: :hump: Oooh man, even wedgier!! Pass the Blue cheese dressing and bacon crumbles-- :grin: When will you take he, about 10w? ...9 weeks, like 6! Ahh, that Affy smell,... make me miss that Pure Afghani from my first grow! ...good call on doing some strategic pruning, especially when the buds are that compact,... :devil:- looking forward to nekked pics when Chop-Eyes comes to town!
Deeewd- :bone: put that magic wand-oo back in your pants before somebody loses an eye!! :crying: A whole wing of preggo' Sweet girls + F2 (3?) F-86,...:brow:-- bored and horny cabin fever got to ya, ay? :roflcry: ... fab' possibilities in those pairings, Chz. cross has my nose twitching already! Fem'ing sounds like a fun challenge,... :goodluck:

..too bad about the broadband delay, dammit! :slaps: I hope it'll be worth the wait,... My jalopy PC, still crashing despite all manner of tweaking and updating everything,...and getting real slow on load up's now as well, is going to the glue factory soon! Time for a new unit, after 5+ years,... gonna roll with a i5 chip, at least a 1GB vid' card, 8-12GB memory, to stay phat enough with how porky everything else is getting these days! l found a Dell Inspiron deal, looks to about $540+tx with discounts, but I'll call and chisel more anyway, waving Costco's XPS8700 at them, for the same base price,... ATT still bites though, and likely, I'll be switching services...probably a CommunistCast bundle of some sort! :My game in town here too dammit!

Hey Bud! Wait til you see her final shots! Took her at 9 weeks. What a powerful little plant she is! One of the strongest autos I've grown. Up there right with them! As she should be with the Trainwreck and Afghan Kush from the Bucks... and not to mention the Assassin helps with the head slam lol The taste is sweet skunky keify skunk lol the smoke from the joint smells AMAZING. She's special. And I'm very very happy. Gearing up for 12 more here in a few weeks! We'll see what kind of selection we get! Oooh... and I didn't think she had enough time but we found 4 mature seeds.. SOOO we now have Silver Run x F86! The possibilities are endless... Gotta love Canna!!! Yes still on the HughesNet crap... but it's better than nothing!

I will be doing some test runs with STS soon as I can. I'm still researching and making sure I do everything correctly and safely as this stuff is cancerous. But obviously can be used safely as Sweets Seeds uses it. So soon enough we'll have fems of everything. But I have always been reluctant to do anything that is deadly (whether making oils, shooting a gun, or femming with cancer causing chems...) without tons of research and going into it slowly and smart-ly LOL

very nice my friend!:Sharing One:

Grindin'! Holy shit man! How the hell have you been?! the Bucks are national champs!!! Glad to see you back around man!

So here's the Silver Run's last pics, some nugg shots, and a dried nugg shot of her. Waira, Sissy Dissy says HI!!! Ol' Chop Eyes been hanging around lately... :xlaugh:





This I must note... I've seen this before but not on this kind of scale. The buds were so tight and compact that the buds are two toned. The outside of them is green and the inside that was growing against the main stem are pure white. They dried like that as well. This tiny little girl gave us a little over an ounce and a half!







That's all she wrote for this round of Silver Run!! Round two ( x's 12!) will commence within a few weeks! Stay tuned on that! For now we have the Future 86 to watch finish up!! Those 3 girls are coming up next post!!

:Sharing One:

Thank you my friends for your support on my projects!
it warm's the cockle's of my heart:hug:to see the rebel household is up to their arse in bud.:drool::Sharing One:look's like a hell of a spring shaping up!
I have eight plants going, to catch up:slaps:
it warm's the cockle's of my heart:hug:to see the rebel household is up to their arse in bud.:drool::Sharing One:look's like a hell of a spring shaping up!
I have eight plants going, to catch up:slaps:

Thank you Astro! Got a little harem of your own going eh? Very nice! I have to catch up at your part of the universe... Always great to see you my friend!

Found you Rebel.

That is one big bud. Must be an ounce.


Yes it was a big ass bud lol she did come in at just about an oz dry. Not bad for a mini fire hydrant huh? lol

Here are the 3 Future 86 ladies at week 9... well a few days over but we'll not split hairs lol There are two phenos here. Two of them are the same except in size. But everything else is identical. Number 1 is the Momma... she's got the babies...

Future 86 1





Future 86 2





Future 86 3



Excellent. T-5's sure do kick out the big bud. Good thing you did not fall into the LED parade. Why mess with what works. Must suit your environment along with well water.

But, your secret weapon is--I know--your daily serenades with the gittaro.

Thank you my good friend! You know I'm really starting to think, especially with Autos, genetics are like 99% of the result of the end product. I've had strains that I do nearly nothing to, come out phenomenal and thick. Like they say baseball is 98% mental and 2% physical lol breeding and genetics are an integral part of it. If you have crap genetics to begin with, no matter what you do, I do believe it is what it is. The other 10% is environment, medium, lighting and feed. Roughly lmao

There's percentages according to Rebel lmao

The kids do hear a lot of music and singing lol they always get music when I'm in there.