Bump! With all the new members since this thread started I was wondering if anyone else cares to share?
Need to catch up on this!
Sum freaky stuff man!!<<-----Insert funky moving ghostly gas cloud:jaw: :Hookah::twist::Sharing One:
Had a paranormal meeting the day befor yesterday.... Me and me wife in the room, no one else in the house and a shadow walks up to the door way and stands there!! the dogs heads are going left to rite with one ear standing up like who da fuck is standing there.......growling and confused I ignored it!!!!!! It's getting more active the more we talk about moving!!!!
Oh shit that's right bro... We've talked about that before a long time ago my bad...
Did it start there? Was that when you used to watch your neighbors house or watch your house from the outside? Crazy activity... I remember that...