Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

Reb, do you still have copys of your EVP sessions?

Ever get any good responses?

:Sharing One:
In the 5 years here at this place this is the second time it's showed as a male entity, the child like noises started about 5 months after we moved in... My neighbor here's kids running back and forth when were all gone?
I really wish I was lucky enough to have seen things like this but unfortunately, I only have a second hand story.

One night my Mum was working away near the coast and had to stay overnight in a local bed and breakfast. Everything was cool until she woke at 3am to the classic burning toast smell and she say's she just felt like there was a presence in the room with her, which, that coupled with the burning smell caused her to start panicking. She tried to sit up to look around a find out what was there but she quickly realised she was completely paralyzed and couldn't move a muscle.
The air in the room turned icy cold and suddenly she felt a heavy weight, inch by inch start to work 'its' way from the foot of the bed, crawling over her body until it was right on top of her and she felt like she was being pushed right through the mattress.
She said she felt as if something had her held by the wrists and was pinning her to the bed. She tried to scream but of course, nothing came out. She only felt her chest tightening and the weight on top of her getting heavier and heavier.
She carried on trying to scream and struggle to no avail but then, as quickly as she had awoken, the weight lifted and room, seemingly, returned to normal.
She remembers gasping for breath and beginning to cry but she must have fainted/fallen back to sleep and didn't wake again until the next morning.

When she went downstairs the next day to check out the receptionist asked if everything was okay, Mum didn't hesitate and told her the story. Without even a flick of the eye the receptionist replied 'Ah, I see you've met one of our regulars, that's Arthur, are resident ghost. Everyone who stays in that room comes down the next day with a story or two'.

Cruel bastards ;)

:Sharing One:

Sounds like Rohypnol!
Reb, do you still have copys of your EVP sessions?

Ever get any good responses?

:Sharing One:

Oh man Captain. Resounding YES! I have back ups of everything... Sound Engineer by trade so it's in my nature to triple, quadruple back up... I wish there was a way for me to play them back for you guys... If I get a free night I'll try to make a youtube account and try that way... Just don't have the time atm... unless you got a better way?

My best ever session was with my Dad when I was home for the Christmas Holidays as at that time I was living clear across the country in Las Vegas... This recording is extremely precious to me now because he passed away last Jan. I like to hear his voice since I can't any more.. anyway we were in his house, the house I grew up in. Don't know if you see the beginning of this thread but that house was built in 1780.. which is old for this country... It's known to be occupied I'll say... anyway I just asked him to start talking about the old days, when he was a kid living next door... he went on to start talking about the people that lived in our house when he was growing up next door. Well, he talked for like a half hour or so while I let the recorder sit on the coffee table running.

A few weeks later after I had returned back to my house in Vegas I was bored one night after work so I was digging through some shit and I realized my DVR was still in my laptop travel bag. So I got everything hooked up and put my head phones on and started listening... There was all sorts of banging and distant voices saying shit but what really made the hair on my arms stand up was when my father was talking about being young, life being good, and not having a care in the world...when I lauged out loud and said "you still don't!" and he laughed and said "Nope!" and right after he said that you hear this thing LAUGH! The bandwidth was completely different than the bandwidth on our voices... It sounded compressed and sinister... it was like Hehehehehe... and the very end it trailed off into this rattle it sounded like a snake... But I don't think it WAS sinister... just how our ears here the frequency it was on because we certainly didn't hear it with our own ears at that time. Because I probably would have shit myself! LMAO! I will never forget the first moment hearing that thing laugh. I ripped those head phones off my head, tossed them across my living room (had a very long chord LOL) and jumped up and yelled out loud "Oh NO fucking WAY!!" So I called my Wife who was my girlfriend at the time and played it for her and she couldn't believe it. I have gotten great EVPs in my day but that one to this day makes me shake my head in awe of the fact there was someone sitting there with us enjoying our conversation. Laughed in agreement with us. Makes me wonder how many times that happens on a daily basis.

I also just recently found out that house was a speak easy during the prohibition so Lord knows how many people passed through that house and how many things that could have happened no one knows about. So who knows who it was... 234 years is a lot of time... man I wish I play them for you guys...

In the 5 years here at this place this is the second time it's showed as a male entity, the child like noises started about 5 months after we moved in... My neighbor here's kids running back and forth when were all gone?

Dude you've told me about this before no? I thought that was the house you used to live in... Didn't know it was your current home... have you tried capture it on video or leaving a DVR recording while you sleep? Have you looked up the history of the land your house is on?

Sounds like Rohypnol!

Hardly sounds like a date rape drug! Had to bing that... looked like a Russian word to me! Sounds like Night Terrors or rather Night Paralysis... Unless that's the only time it happened to her... I knew a girl who suffered from those very symptoms you describe your mom's having in her experience... But, I'm not saying that's what it was your mom experienced... just a thought...

GoAuto... I've seen those Shadow people or whatever. I used to see one peering in my bedroom at night in my Dad's house... during renovations. that always stirs em up. it was terrifying. Especially to a 12 yr old. But most recent... back in 2009 we had just turned in to a local cemetery to do some EVPs and I drove maybe 30 feet when from the right side comes this black thing run across the front of the car off to my left and into the dark behind a row of gravestones... I slammed on the breaks and was like WTF?! At first I thought it was a raccoon or something but once it got to my side of the car I looked right down at it and it was not human like in any way. it was only like 3 - 3.5 feet long and it ran on all fours... kinda chimp like. but it had like no neck.. just a hump shape for a head, wide torso and really long arms. Almost as long as it's body. Let's just say I turned around and headed back out lol I was in shock honestly. The wife didn't see it as her RP prevents her from having peripheral vision so she never saw it coming. I did! It was darker than the night. Darker than the shadows. One of the sickest shit I've ever seen!

So to me there are absolutely things out there we can't describe. These things do exist. Are they all evil because they are DARK... I don't think necessarily think so... that thing was clearly afraid of us, I mean it was running away. Or it wasn't supposed to be seen and I caught it off guard with the car pulling in real fast... I'll never know. All I know is I know what I saw.

:Sharing One:
This is why I'm begining to think it's attached to me.... Weve seen them here and It started In northern Nevada...Iv left my "smart phone" recording all night, and my wife and I have done evp's at our current place but have not got any responses.
Dude... did you get my last pm?

anyway it could be attached to you... what does it make you feel like? Do you feel afraid or curious? Does it come off negative to you?

Disregard first ? -- pm'ing you back now...
Dude... did you get my last pm?

anyway it could be attached to you... what does it make you feel like? Do you feel afraid or curious? Does it come off negative to you?

Disregard first ? -- pm'ing you back now...

The child sounds never scared me I usually think its my kids screwing aroung only to find out there sleeping...The male entity gives me a creepy vibe, almost like Uh I'm watching you and there's nothing you can do, But we both know that's not true! my wife has not seen him, It's almost like he's watching her?
Hmm... it could also be only for you to see... sometimes I believe that to be true in certain instances. I'd get a cam and film while your sleeping. See if you can get anything at all on video. Too bad you don't live closer... I have 2 ultra violet cams that do amazing in darkness/night. I'd let you borrow one!
What would you suggest for an ir cam.....
Been working at a church every saturday night for a good couple years now cleaning it and getting it all ready for service on sundays and am always seeing weird crap and hearing voices when we are the only ones in the building lol

My boss is a big skeptic so he writes it off big time but i know there is something thats hanging around and have even talked with the normal week staff and at least 75% of them say the same thing

Was in the building by myself at 3am cleaning the washrooms when all of a sudden there was 2 women having a conversation outside in the hall then there was a laugh and it was gone,It was so loud and real i walked the whole building and checked every room but nothing and there is no way to come in or leave as i have the door alarms set so they would have went off

Last saturday i had the bosses sister working with me and we kept hearing voices and noises again but we're kind of both used to it now and just look at each other and shake our heads,We were cleaning the kitchen then out of the corner of my eye i seen somebody walk past the doors in the gym i looked up and the bosses sister was pure white and asked me if i saw that lol

Needless to say we finished up pretty quick and got out of there :no: