Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

great thread bud i am iterested , me and my wife used to live out side carson city nevada, in some four plexis in dayton' we hade a three year old' and a one year old' i would wake up at night hearing my three year old playing and laughing in the hall, so id get up to tell him to get to bed, and he wouldt be in the hall thinking i heard him running back to his room, when id open the door to his room he'd be fast asleep.that always got under my skin and it was a nightly thing , id have to get up by the off chance he was up playing or sleep walking its just what a parent does. so untill we moved out a little over a year i didt sleep for shit i was glad to get out of there, it gets better we moved across the street and my new bed room faced my sons old bed room and id see the family that lived there leave wqith all there kins and me and my wife would sit and watch the lights go on and off for ever till they came home, im preatty sure it was a little girl and possibly a little boy never had any full body apperitions so i cant be certain.
Hey Bro! That's some crazy shit! Thanks for sharing your personal experience! And checking out the para-thread! That would drive me nuts! That makes me think when I lived in Las Vegas I had a house built while I was there. After the first few weeks I'd be fast asleep early in the morning, like 7am or so... I'd wake up to a loud CRASH!! downstairs. So, I'd jump up, grab my pistol, and start heading downstairs... Heart pumpin' and all expecting to see a robber...

Nothing... Nothing in the house, nothing knocked over or broken or moved. It happened at least 10 times in the year and a half I lived in it... After a while I figured it had to residual energy of some kind and just check the house just in case and then go back to sleep. But yours doesn't sound residual at all! Definitely intelligent!

*still reading thread*

don't fuck with thrive movement. they're masons.

thanks to everyone for sharing.. i was raised to see a world most people are raised to be blind to. there is a lot of pathetic shit going on in the world today.. power hungry people who mix tech and magic (lol, i love the audio and music industries..) and whatever other crap they think they can pull.
They use the Dynamic or Condenser mics. You use that for uni directional or to isolate certain frequencies, but the whole POINT is to get LARGEST frequency range possible! USE PARABOLIC!!! I've NEVER seen ANY of them use Parabolic mics when "hunting" and to me that's just Audio 101.

Parabolic microphones are generally not used for standard recording applications because they tend to have poor low-frequency response as a side effect of their design. This is a direct result of the physical laws that govern sound waves.

a parabolic mic *is* a directional mic.. whether it's condensor or dynamic ;) the parabolic reflector is on there for the sole purpose of directionality.. and, same as a shotgun mic, it's frequency range is compromised accordingly. they are both significantly more directional than a mic without a reflector or shotgun configuration (where the distance between the two capsules augments directionality in response to the delay between the signal reaching them). but no worries :)

(plate mics are great omnis.. realistic/rat shack used to flog a cheap version that had great freq responsivity..)

doesn't really matter though. you can use any method at your disposal for transduction.. eg. start with pure audio synthesis and process until you have suitable caustics in the vocal range to mimic speech. do this for a while and you'll know when you're getting garbage, and when you're getting a "real" voice that speaks in coherent paragraphs.

"when you cut into the present, the future leaks through" - w.s. burroughs

and, as far as experiencing the paranormal..

"will the real god please sit down?" - todd rundgren
thanks to everyone for sharing.. i was raised to see a world most people are raised to be blind to. there is a lot of pathetic shit going on in the world today.. power hungry people who mix tech and magic (lol, i love the audio and music industries..) and whatever other crap they think they can pull.

totlly agree.... :thumbs:

we have lots of "awake" members here... :toke:
BUMP! Anyone have any ghost stories or paranormal experiences they'd like to share? Post 'em up please!! Would love to revive this thread!

:Sharing One:
Yes I do, Im almost positive the entity in my house is not a young child but a middle aged male, as of 2 nights ago I woke up to see a large dark mass, what looked to be leaning against the wall staring at me, the reason I don't think it is a child is I heard the child like sounds coming down the hall way only to open my eyes to see a large male figure.......
Yes I do, Im almost positive the entity in my house is not a young child but a middle aged male, as of 2 nights ago I woke up to see a large dark mass, what looked to be leaning against the wall staring at me

You weren't looking in the mirror again were you ;)

:Sharing One:
I really wish I was lucky enough to have seen things like this but unfortunately, I only have a second hand story.

One night my Mum was working away near the coast and had to stay overnight in a local bed and breakfast. Everything was cool until she woke at 3am to the classic burning toast smell and she say's she just felt like there was a presence in the room with her, which, that coupled with the burning smell caused her to start panicking. She tried to sit up to look around a find out what was there but she quickly realised she was completely paralyzed and couldn't move a muscle.
The air in the room turned icy cold and suddenly she felt a heavy weight, inch by inch start to work 'its' way from the foot of the bed, crawling over her body until it was right on top of her and she felt like she was being pushed right through the mattress.
She said she felt as if something had her held by the wrists and was pinning her to the bed. She tried to scream but of course, nothing came out. She only felt her chest tightening and the weight on top of her getting heavier and heavier.
She carried on trying to scream and struggle to no avail but then, as quickly as she had awoken, the weight lifted and room, seemingly, returned to normal.
She remembers gasping for breath and beginning to cry but she must have fainted/fallen back to sleep and didn't wake again until the next morning.

When she went downstairs the next day to check out the receptionist asked if everything was okay, Mum didn't hesitate and told her the story. Without even a flick of the eye the receptionist replied 'Ah, I see you've met one of our regulars, that's Arthur, are resident ghost. Everyone who stays in that room comes down the next day with a story or two'.

Cruel bastards ;)

:Sharing One:
Yes I do, Im almost positive the entity in my house is not a young child but a middle aged male, as of 2 nights ago I woke up to see a large dark mass, what looked to be leaning against the wall staring at me, the reason I don't think it is a child is I heard the child like sounds coming down the hall way only to open my eyes to see a large male figure.......

Damn bro... How many times have you seen this dark figure? Is it always accompanied by child like sounds?

Captain Howdy that's crazy man... I'm sure your Mom didn't appreciate that one bit...
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