Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

Dude, you said exactly how I think/feel. I strongly believe there is life out there. There are bazillions of galaxies out there with bazillions of planets in those galaxies. How can we not asssume there isnt the same chance that we had? Like one scientist said, "when you hold a glass of water up to the ocean, the glass being the only part of the ocean we have explored. Do you presume that there is no life in the ocean because we cant find any other life in the glass?" I also like how everything in the universe can be described mathmatically. I am in no way good at math, but it blows my mind how people can work things out with math and just know that it will work without ever seeing it.
[QUOTE But, when that time comes I know my relatives will be waiting there for me to take me to the other side!

See, to me, that IS Heaven! A place in the sky with streets of gold may just be uphimism(sp) and I doubt who I call "God" is a big dude on a throne. Its all vocabulary and element-ary. I believe very much the same as you (not sure about the 11 dimensions, Ive never learned about that belief) but I consider myself religous. I do believe JC is the Son of God, tho. But I dont go to church on Sunday. Hard pew and right-wing politics? Doesnt make ME feel close to God!! Looking up on a clear dark night does, tho. Or seeing the world from a mountain top.

Im w/ you: No offense to anyone with different beliefs. I wont try to change you or fight with you. We are entitled to figure things out for ourselves and believe what we want. Id hate to live in a society where everyone believed the same way. We (society) are already enough like a flock of sheep. We dont need a homigenous world. Blah.
Reb Looks like eyeshine to me. Dont know why the rest of the critter didnt show up...

Was it lightening bug season? There not here in Jan, but maybe in WV?

That's crazy about that B&B!

Right? Can you imagine just cementing yer kid in??? I think Id start chiseling! I guess times were different. Something like 1:7 kids didnt hit 18 in the 1800's, so loosing a child was a lot more common and a almost expected occurrence. But, if its a hoax, its a good one. There is a plaque with the same things you'd see on a gravestone, and there is 1 more chimney inside than out...

it blows my mind how people can work things out with math and just know that it will work without ever seeing it.

There was one famous math and space guy (Hawkins, maybe?) that came up with an equasion for figuring the chances of life on other planets. "Goldylocks equasion" I think it was called. You 'plug-in' diff variables and do the math. He plugged in the variables that would give the absolute slimmest chances of life and still came out with millions of planets that could support life as we know it. An we are alone? RIGHT.
Steven hawkings is the man. Very smart dude right there. I agree with you about church, I don't go myself because I hate the fact that it's just a social appearance and people bug the crap out of you asking why you don't come more often. I myself see god in the beauty of the world. And the pure astonishment at what we dont know and may never know! The size of the universe and the mind blowing way it was created, to the monstrously huge galaxies and stars to the smallest atoms all in sync with each other to make the world we live in. All the while we walk around and have no ideas in our head except for stupid things such as the kardashians! I don't believe that one has to go to church to give him thanks. Just got to be happy and be thankful we get a chance to experience what was created, by him, chance, or maybe some other thing we'll never know about.

I could talk about this stuff for days.
rebel could that orb be a reflection of the moon on ice? cause usually when its in the teens here the sky is clear but don't explain why it tripped the cam

Heres what my wife was able to glean from it... Shes a PSP Goddess. lol. Nothing was changed except contrast and such...


Looks like reflection, here... But, like Snipe said, what tripped it??
Hmmm. Just watched a show about Las Vegas on Travel Chanel and one of the directors was Nick Groff. Hes one of the 3 on Ghost Adventures. Not the lead guy, or the idiot, but the more 'normal' of the lot. Not that I ever had much respect or faith in G.A., but that alone tells me its much more "show" and much less "ghost hunters being followed by cameramen".

Reb: With yer background an all, what do you think about the electronic word databases that spirits can manipulate w/ various energies? Knowing what you know about sound and audio electronics, do you think its possible?

Its intriguing how many times 'it' seems to be "picking" relevant words. Its things like this that would REALLY upset me if I learned they faked. Adding props is lame, and unnecessary, but faking EVPs and other proof of contact is unforgivable.

I need to get a DVR. I think EVPs are just amazing. I mean, really, they are either 100% proof or 100% fake. IDK what else it could be? At least relevant ones, on normal, properly working equipment that is. Do you know of a good, yet very (VERY!) inexpensive DVR?
Where is everyone??

Sorry, Reb, for playing w. yer pic. I def should have asked you first... I didnt even think about that til I started wondering where everyone went. The wife makes and sells PSP "Tubes" and "Kits" (if you dont know what they are YOU ARE LUCKY!) so she is a PS Pro. When I showed her the pic she said she could clean it up and I told her to go ahead.
lol. Now Im a Bigger dink throwing my wife under the bus!

REB, Id love to her yer thoughts on the word database thing. G.A. is on right now, and despite all the negative stuff about them, that database thing is neat. They are at an old hanging tree, and the words that came out are "TIED. CABLE. JUDGE. RUN. PRAY." Unless a total hoax, it really seems like it pertains to the topic... So strange.
Sorry bro! Life has been crazy! I've been meaning to reply to you and Truu, and Snipe's comments! If you are talking about the Ovilus or whatever it's called. Yeah that word database thing... I'm not sure. I've never used one or seen one in person. I'd have to look into the specs of the device to see if the basis of it is technologically possible before I can nay say it lol The wife and I are on a mission at the moment to bring notice to these fuckers in Meigs County Ohio that just dug up a bunch of graves from the 1800's and the bodies mysteriously disappeared. They are putting in a Gravel Pit or digging one out rather, where the bodies were so were a bit pissed about that and plan to help the guy who first brought it to our attention make a bit of a fuss about it. That peeves me when they desecrate graves, of any kind, to build shit or make a gravel pit of all things. They literally just threw the bodies out somewhere...

Anyway I set up my Forensic Audio Program "Diamond Cut Live 7". Were going to do some EVP sessions down there and some vids and pics during the day and see if we can get some EVP's. I'm gonna try to find a way to either host them on another site and provide links for you guys to check out or get them on here somehow. But, I also have a library of EVP's I've obtained throughout the years so I want to clean them up and let you all check them out.

I'll reply to your previous posts later on. I need to get some pics of my 32oz Comp entries up. I haven't done that yet... I have also been digging through my evidence photos and such and I'll be posting some pics either later tonight or tomorrow. We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow so I may have a bunch of free time to do that tomorrow. Hope you all are well! Don't worry Bateyes! There may be some times when I'm MIA but I'll always be back sooner or later! :smokebuds: