Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??


tell ya what... with a lil retouching it looks pretty real... not very "costumy"

i just upped the contrast and bightness in photoshop



you guy's know thats just me?
looking for good guerilla spots i just dropt my flash light .
thats why i on my hands?

it funny i dint see they hunter camera i must look for it next time so i can make funny face;s that will scare the hunter next time lol
no... we know why you're really on your knees LBH!!! :crying: "Dropped my flashlight" what a lame excuse... you can tell us the truth.. we all know you're a freak! :lol:
you guy's know thats just me

I read in a post somewhere you were a "Hottie"! Thats gotta be you!!! Maybe go a lil heaver on the foundation, tho. The junkie chic thing is so 1990's!

it funny i dint see they hunter camera i must look for it next time so i can make funny face;s that will scare the hunter next time lol

That would be so funny. Im going to look for them now. You could have so much fun with someone. I know a spot where a guy always puts bags of grain and corn. Ill bet there is a camera near there somewhere. Why else the off-season baiting? Just hope I find it w/o being seen and photoed.

I saw a "ghost" video from an outdoor gas station CCTV. VERY convincing. VERY scary. Turned out to be a spider, lol.

**My new favorite thread**
LMAO LBH has entered the thread! You always know he's here when you LYAO! I think LBH and Stunted are the two funniest fuckers in here lol Bateyes I say DO IT!! LOL I'm off to make some Hash, then I'm gonna maybe post some more pics for discussion! LOL Sweet! Your new favorite thread! Paranormal and Weed is so much fun!
Kinda looks like a full moon reflecting off a puddle of water. I'm sure its not but I'm just sayin'!

Speakin of the ghost hunters on TV. I went through a Ghost adventures binge a while back. Thought it was cool as hell their first season. Now its just like HOLY SHEET I'm getting touched RIGHT NOW MAN. They freak out about everything lol. And ya, how are there still wheel chairs and shit left in abandoned buildings? I highly doubt people were just like, WELP board the doors up folks, too many creepys in there for us to clean it out. HA
Im glad LBH is in the mix. Keeps me in stitches! Ive never laughed harder than when reading the LOL thread. It wouldn't be near as funny w/o her. You ARE a female, LBH, Right? Seems like I remember a post 'war' when I first started here. -- Here it is...

i know realcarlos but call me a man that low you know
you calling me dumass we woman are smart sure i not look like a men ask Bailer and JM the in love with me
m only not blond but i have alsmost her body i only i look more like a latina with blue eyes

Ive got to order some LBH seeds. Where Im only allowed 6 plants flowering, I need to get some bigger yields. Ive mentioned this fact a few times, and I keep getting the response: "Try LBH's Hazes!" The pics look yummy, too. Is the Haze Mix a good one to try? Are the different strains labeled?

Reb Looks like eyeshine to me. Dont know why the rest of the critter didnt show up...

Heres some more on that web-cam ghost-thing. Called the Swamp Monster I guess. Looks like a hoax... The link'll take you to some proof it was PSPed.

Heres someone that claimed responsability, but THIS could be a hoax by a con-man...
I'm an indie filmmaker. I've been dreaming of making movies for years. Finally after much hardship, I am working on my first full length movie.

The movie is a supernatural horror movie shot "reality style" same sort of style that "Rec" or "Cloverfield" was filmed in, called, "The Stuart House Recordings"

What I am aiming for is the first fully Transmedia movie.

A film told, not only via the movie itself, but over the internet, mobile phones, and other media.

The movie is stand alone of course but the audience can dig deeper and deeper and immerse themselves in the rest of the story. Think "Blair Witch" on steroids.

We also are the folks behind "the Louisana swamp monster" or "berwick monster" thats circulating across the internet recently.

Here is our post on our site about the monster here:

Louisana Swamp Monster
The movie is designed to look as real as possible.

So we created We built it (and other supporting webistes) over the last year to create that "real" look. That Stuart house is real. All the footage you run across giving more background about Stuart house is ours.

However we are in need of help to finish the movie. We are financing this completely out of pocket. We could use some help.

Please take a look here:

The Stuart House Recordings

If you could donate we would truly be grateful. We want to change the dynamics of film distibution. Allowing people like us to make things we have been dreaming of a reality.

If you can't donate, please go to the bottom of the indieagogo page we are on and just click the "Feature This" that would help too.

Also, we are based in New Orleans. Anything that could help us to promote the New Orleans economy, which has never really recovered, would be helpful. We have alot of creative people out here, just champing at the bit to work on films. Generally though never getting the chance as the major studios invariably bring their own crews with them.

Finally I was person who was homeless several times in his life. There, even at my lowest point I never let go of my hope of better things.

I want to help those who can't help themselves. We are donating an ongoing 10% of what we make to the homeless employment programs of New Orleans.

I will post more about the movie as it progresses if there is any interest.

Again, thanks for your time and patience.


A couple weeks ago, I was outside peeing the puppy. I looked up and saw a plane. Then I realized the lights were not flashing like planes do. My mother was over, and I asked her to come out and look. The light had stopped in the sky, but another was coming toward it, following its exact route. Well, over like a minute or so, 6-7 of those bright, unflashing lights all went across the sky on the exact same course. They got to where the first one was and merged into one light. That light took off again, but its course took it behind a tree, and we didnt see it again. If it had stayed on the same course, we should have seen it come out the other side of the tree, but never did. Im so glad I had mom come out and witness it! Everyone who knows her knows she will not lie.
I totally believe in life on other plantes. How can you look at all the stars at night, knowing most of them are suns with thier own planets going around them, and not believe there is other life. Pretty big-headed to think we are the only planet special enough for life. I have never put much stock in UFO sightings, tho, until now. I dont know if what I saw was from another planet, but it was sure something that Ive never seen before, and couldnt guess what it was. Theres no military bases near here, anymore, so prob not that... Im sure Ill never know what we saw, but it was cool as hell! Sure wish I had a video cam w/ me!

Ive heard Bath is a pretty haunted town. My brother is friends w/ a guy who grew up in a B+B just up the road from me. Built in th 17 or 1800's. When the attic floor was being lain in, a 8 or 10 year old was riding a unicycle and fell into the unfinished chimney. They couldnt retrive the body, so they cemented it in. There is a plaque on it now w/ his name, dates, epitath etc. (Theres 4 chimneys inside, only 3 out!) Anyhow, the kid appears to guests in the night to ask if theyre cold and/or want a blanket. They keep a journal with all the reports from tourists in it. He's never donr anything bad, or tried to freak anyone out, and apparently looks as real as you or I. My bros friend, TJ, will only say, "yep. Its haunted. Ive seen a lot" but will not elaborate.

I dont know how I would feel if I became "sensitive". It would be freaky at first, for sure. I guess part of it would depend on how "they" contacted me. Ive never heard of anyone being killed, or even really hurt, by a ghost. Most, I believe, are just souls. Some lost, some with a message, some good some bad. Just like living folks. Its weird to me that most ghosts are victorian era. 100 yrs or so old. You never hear about ghosts from the time of Christ, for example. Maybe, when thier message is recieved, they finally go where they belong i.e. Heaven or Hell.
Hey Bateyes! That light is hovering over my driveway/property. So it's not eye shine for sure. That's crazy about that B&B! Yeah I agree about life on other planets. Some planets/galaxies were in existence BILLIONS of years BEFORE Earth was made... To say there isn't life on other plants or in other Solar Systems is pretty arrogant and ignorant if you ask me.

Personally, and I hope I don't offend you or anyone else but, I'm not religious at all. I'm not an Atheist either. But, I don't believe in the Bible, Church, etc... I don't believe in "heaven and hell" but I do believe in 11 Dimensions. I think we move on from dimension to dimension. It is natural in the Universe that there is positive and negative. Pure Dark and Pure Light. Each dimension we move to brings us closer to being pure light. Not of a physical body meaning... Frequencies are all around us. We are made of frequencies. There are Freq's that exist we can see or hear. Maybe we just expand to more frequencies or move to a different set of frequencies. And I do believe in "good spirits" and "bad spirits". Not necessarily Angels & Demons. Same way I think "Guardian Angels" are either loved ones/relatives/ancestors that "Guard" you or know you need them and come to help. But, again these are my personal beliefs and I didn't mean to offend anyone who is religious.

If I were to meet an Extra-Terrestrial the first question I would ask him is "Who is your God/Creator? and Do you know or believe in Jesus?" If they say "Jesus is the son of God and he is our lord and savior" then yeah, I'll start believing in the Bible and such but if you ask me it's all about mind control. I don't think there is a God sitting up in Heaven waving his hands or whatever just 'making' universes or planets, life, etc... To me that is just insane. And it amazes me that people over 1000's of years have fought 100 year wars/crusades over religion. More people have died over religion than anything I bet. And you probably don't hear of ghosts from Christ's time because no one looks for them! LOL I couldn't see them allowing "ghost hunting" at the Masada or on the Temple Mount. Or any Holy/Sacred spot on the planet.

I know life after death exists. I've seen it. I don't care what anyone says to me or tells me. How stupid or insane someone thinks I am. I would take a Lie Detector Test, Anything. When something as profound happens to you like seeing a dead relative coming at you FULL BODY, there leaves you with NO DOUBT. A few weeks ago I was talking to about this with my Mother in Law and her new boyfriend. I knew the guy for like an hour and he told me "you must be a drinker son... there's no such thing as ghosts". LOL Yeah right Old Man! Whatever...

Also Energy is neither CREATED or DESTROYED. We are all pure energy. I think you know where I'm going with that...

I feel extremely fortunate that I've had the Paranormal Experiences I've had. It is a very comforting thing to know you don't just become maggot food after you take your last breath. Makes me not afraid to die. Don't get me wrong! I don't WANT to die. But, when that time comes I know my relatives will be waiting there for me to take me to the other side!

My Grandmother passed this last June... She's actually called my cell phone numerous times. My cell phone will start to ring, it will say "Emergency Call" or call from "Nanny". Every time I pick up I just hear static. Then when I try to call the number back it will say "call cannot be made" on my phone when I trying to send the call out. It happened the day she died and then everyday, 3 or 4 times a day for at least 2 weeks after she died. Then it quit. The other day I was having a Terrible day. I started thinking about her and started talking to her in my head that day. Today she called me again. "Emergency Call". She comes around when I need her. She was always my Rock. Still is!