Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??










The first bunch look like snipes critter. A lot of folks have seen em in TX. I think its a wolf or dog crossed w/ a coyote. The last couple are just weird. And prob fake. The last pic looks like something might have got in the way of wizs' wand and is half dragon... Wonder if its purple???

Supposedly, a hunter checked his gamecam, found it smashed but the sim card OK, and this image on it. I guess lots of news in GA carried the story, and preliminary exams seem to show no retouching. That wouldnt rule out a costume, tho...

Sorry about all the Google Images, but I thought the similarities to Snipes photo was pretty convincing. Ill stop posting random-ish fake photos now...LOL.
deer-cam-monster-full-size1 retouch 1.jpg

tell ya what... with a lil retouching it looks pretty real... not very "costumy"

i just upped the contrast and bightness in photoshop

deer-cam-monster-full-size1 retouch zoom 2.jpg

Holy crap! If I saw that thing on my game camera my ass would NOT be staying around there anymore. Matter of fact, that just makes me rethink my midnight adventures in the woods when I go hog hunting. Totally freakin me out here bateyes!
yeah its gonna be hard this summer when im all ripped up on sativa out in guerilla ops at 3am and get thinkin about that... like theres not enough to worry about between choppers with infrared, cops with infrared, stealth predator drones, and all the logistics of getting in n out of a site safely and steakthily!!!

jeez.... :bong:

EDIT: lets not forget the LADAR... yeah look that up if you don't know what it is... not to mention... we can detain extradite and execute american citizens now... how long will it be before they try to call MJ a terrorist?

good grief...

Stay positive... encourage others.... overgrow the BS fo show!!!


ravings n such... sorry... pretty ripped... lol
No worries Bateyes! That's what this is for! post away! About those critters in the first post... I tend to think they are some kinda hybrid... Ferrel dog x Coyote or Wild Hog. Hard to tell. That last one is hard... Thanks JM for the photoshop touch up! I definitely don't see a costume but with digital editing changing by the day it's hard to say. It is scary as f*cking hell though! My plan is to pic up some more game cams like the one I got to spy on the trespassing b*tch neighbor LOL I want to put them up all around the woods behind my house to see what I can catch. I did catch this one weird thing one morning when I had it set up to catch the trespasser. It's just a bright ass ball of light that's hovering and it obviously went across the motion detector. It's not snow, it's not a bug, it was in the teens that night. No car, no flash light, etc... it's nothing like the picture you posted bro! But, I can't explain it. See for yourself.


I also forgot to mention I don't like how the paranormal shows give out false information. Like for instance, last night I was watching Paranormal State and it was an old episode... But, the one investigator asked this woman what the "inverted torch on his (the alleged ghost's) tomb meant... The woman who was a "town historian" replied "Oh that's because it represents his soul burning in hell for eternity".

THAT IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT and it AMAZES me that they state that as a "fact". When in REALITY the Inverted Torch on a Mausoleum or Tombstone means the Soul is ETERNAL and cannot be extinguished even when inverted! I know this because the Wife and I are very heavy into Cemetery Symbols and such. I have MANY books that explain what each and every finger, animal, INVERTED TORCH lol, etc.. Mean on people's tombs. We do photo contributions for Mostly for people doing family trees but some are interesting stories.. So we spend quite a bit of time in the nicer months in Boneyards (cemeteries... or my favorite "Marble Gardens" LOL) Anyway my whole ramble and point is that they just pull shit out of their ass and people think it's a fact. When merely it's lies and drama to keep the suspense!

Keep them pics coming Bateyes! OH! I forgot to tell you this one... My brother in law got married a few years back. He married this girl from Maine. Since you're from there I thought you would be interested in this... They got married in Bath, Maine. Well my mother in law has the gift man... She's the one who saw the doctor's coat floating down the hall (story I told in the beginning of this thread somewhere lol) and they stayed at a old historic house and my Wife and her Mom got the Carriage house all to themselves. My mother in law kept seeing this little boy in bib overalls just sitting and playing. Not even looking at them just like he was in another dimension or residual. It was weird. She couldn't stand it anymore so they left and got a hotel! She knows she has the gift but she doesn't like it. It scares her. My wife wants it lol but doesn't have any peripheral vision from her eye disease. Most of the time that's how you first see them. Corner of your eye so that really sucks for her. BUT I thought you would find that interesting. She said he had a bowl cut lol and described his clothes but he never acknowledged them at all. Man I need to write a book. I always wanted to write a book. Maybe I should compile all my stories and just do it. lol
GAME CAM ORB 1-13-12 RESIZE retouch 1.jpg
looks like maybe a reflection off a wire or something... hmmm

cool stories and stuff guys... keep em comin... :thumbs:
Hey JM! There's no wires there at all. That is strapped to a tree looking down to the road. The driveway on left. There's no wires, nothing to reflect off of so that's why I was scratching my head. I did get some streaking stuff across the screen but I found that to be snow blowing that it caught. This was just one in like 500 pics. Just odd. Anywho lol Thanks for checking it out! I need to get my most favorite picture on here. My "holy grail". Maybe I will later.
oh yeah, fog, lens smears, etc etc can cuase all kinds of weird shit on cam... trut me... i had a spider freakin me out on a security job one night... he was reflecting the IR illuminators on a clients cam system... and it looked like 2 flashlights sneakin across the yard... went over fully armed to run backup routine.... and found it was spiders... rofl....

the guy was like, "Well at least I know you mean businbess! " lol

oh yeah... could very well be a spider web...
Yeah true bro. I definitely didn't think it was a spirit coming in for a close up LOL I just couldn't figure it out but since the weather has been so inconsistent here (above freezing, below freezing) it's very well possible it was a spider or something. Thanks man!
