Live Stoners Paranormal Anyone??

GA or any one with spirit issues. You might want to get/make some Orgone Generators those tend to do good dissipating spirits. I've lived in some old and funky houses as well. I've never had a problem at my current place which is fairly old. I attribute that in part to the Generators I brought along with me.

When Smudging be sure to waft/blow the smoke into corners and at any opening in a room, windows, doors, outlets, light switches, light fixtures etc.

When I smudge I outline every room, door, and window with the sage smoke. All the while visualizing a barrier of light forming where walls/floor/ceiling meet. When I've finished I try to sit for a moment and visualize those light cages all joining and growing to cover the whole area around your house.

Before you start it is also good to verbally tell the spirits you wish them no harm and ask them to continue their journey towards the light.
The wife and I have been smudging for quite a while. We follow Native American traditions and smudge every new moon phase. During this time we clear negative energy and set our intentions for the positive energy for the month. We usually use sage/lavendar smudge sticks. Super relaxing but as Torch says hold the light and your positive intentions while using a large feather you found in the wild preferably :check: This will help the smoke coat all the walls and corners. The house will smell fantastic for a few days as well :Sharing One:
Got that all covered already in PM... :check: Smudging goes way way back in my family history.. On my Father's side. In addition it is also important to smudge yourself... "washing" the smoke over your face and down your body while setting your intentions... Sweet Grass works just as well as Lavender... Sweet Grass attracts positive energies/spirits and it's a great thing to do once you are done with the Sage... Boot em out, shut the doors & windows. Bury the sage stick in the yard or near the foundation/corner of your house, and burn some Sweet Grass. :check:
I can tell a story!! you guys want me to tell a story????
Well... That cigar shaped cylinder I pictured within the first few pages... I've been seeing it monthly here. And even saw it in NY back in May... When I did some research on it seems its a "sky dreadnought" so basically govt.. Not alien...

What about you bud? See anything down your way?
Well... That cigar shaped cylinder I pictured within the first few pages... I've been seeing it monthly here. And even saw it in NY back in May... When I did some research on it seems its a "sky dreadnought" so basically govt.. Not alien...

What about you bud? See anything down your way?

i live close to a Army base So I really no idea what all see.. or hear for that matter flying at night that shakes the ground.. I'm guessing B52? who knows ..