Ah, I see what's up. You're worried about the green algae on the clear pot? What is happening is that enough light is getting through the pot to allow algae to grow. The algae isn't as big of a problem as what the light will do to the roots! Roots are very light sensitive and need to be as dark as possible.
So, you'll have to cover that pot somehow to prevent any light from getting through. Easy way, get some duct tape and start wrapping it. Hard way, put a towel or bag over the plant for a few minutes and spray paint the pot black lol. Just about anything to cover it really.
The algae will die soon and the roots will be fine.
Howdy Luca..I have a question for you..Is the SCR an Auto? I got a free bean and it really doesn't say..I do see that it's gens have Low Ruderalis-Colombian Santa Maria..Being its has some Ruderalis does that make it an Auto?
YEP! my ones got pistils all over the place and its been getting more and more sunlight hours every day! they really let out a sweet coffee smell when they grow its pretty crazy!
Hot Damn Thanks Luca..I've been going though my beans and trying to figure out what to plant outdoors..Guess I'll save my SCR for this falls indoors..My tent is full at the moment..2 Quick ones with 2 or 3 weeks to go yet and 4 babies just 4 days old.(2 Purple Amnesia,2x Auto Blackberry Kush)..They will push me into early june..
Wow I've only ever grown photos before this, so i was kinda growing these as a bit of an experiment. Ive never really gotten into indoor growing, i never manage to whack up the money for that initial investment, but i might give a go soon!
its def a nice easy plant to grow, all ive been using so far is guano every now and again, egg shells and molasses. Ive just been letting it do its own thing really!
To tell you the truth it will be my first time outdoors too..The grow I have now is my very first attempt..But being a farmboy I do have a little idea of growing..Mostly corn..LOL
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