Outdoor outdoor grow in ireland


boomer petway

hi all,
just started an outdoor grow in south of ireland. lowryder#2 and special kush#1 from queens seeds. its a guerilla grow and also my first outdoor. ive held back one lowryder in my back garden to keep an eye on the progress. just wondering if there are any other growers in a similar climate who might be able to gis a few tips or warn of possible problems. for those unfamiliar with the climate, lets just say water shouldnt be a problem but catching a glimpse of the sun through the clouds may be. nothing i can do about that but things that i am worried about are slugs , insects etc. i have put crushed eggshells around them so i'm hoping that will deter the more crawly of the creepy crawlies :)
by the way, fantastic forum. very informative and incredibly friendly, congrats to ye all.:clap:
Hi boomer, crushed egg shells do work against snails/slugs but make sure you wash them first or they could attract insects and rats and other nastys. also you will need to keep topping up your egg shell piles as they will get washed away and buryed in the soil. copper wire works the best, make loops around the base of your plants and they cant cross them as it gives them a shock when they touch it. IMO if there are rabbits anywhere near your plot(s) you will need to build a chiken wire cage around your young plants, I have lost to many to count this year to rabbits, they love to eat new growth and will eat everything you planted in the blink of an eye
thanks for the advice mr mc. i lol'd at the copper wire/shock treatment and will def use it as i have some lying around. i had been worried about cows in one of the sites but had completely forgotten about rabbits. i am worried anout the wire being spotted as its in a ditch on some farmers land. i know the place well and know that the owner is rarely around, but murphys law.... i'm planting the special kush in a clearing i made in some gorse bushes so i could use the chicken wire in there no problem. may have to rethink the lowryders.
thanks TBM , this is a real low low budget grow and sourcing a lot of this stuff can be quite difficult in ireland without raising eyebrows . i was also wondering do ye think horse manure would effect the quality of the smoke as there is plenty of it around here and i use it all the time on my vegetables with no consequence to taste?
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horse shit is really good, I think if you use it fresh it will burn your plants so make sure its well composted. I use it all over the garden & veg patch. is the land grazing or growing? I have been staking my long coated jack russells hair around the base of my unprotected plants (the ones that the rabbits didnt get to) and they havnt come close to them, so if you have a dog or know someone with one try and get some of there hair and do the same. or do what TBM does..... chop there heads off and stick them on poles around your site to warn the others off! :p im surrounded by farmers fields, whatever direction I look in, whatever time or day or night I can allways see rabbits :(
horse shit is really good, I think if you use it fresh it will burn your plants so make sure its well composted. I use it all over the garden & veg patch. is the land grazing or growing? (
its grazing , gonna try the doghair for sure, also gonna bring the dog down and let him piss around the plot. would love to try heads on sticks but i think these might be more noticeable than the chicken wire lol. would you mix the horse shit in with the soil or scatter on top after planting?
ok. had to rethink the situation and myself and my buddy have elected for a new spot that is rabbit free and nearer to home. all in all a near perfect spot:lol:. the grow started in earnest today. all 8 seeds popped last night and we got them in pots today and said a quick prayer over them. looks like our weather is supposed to improve, dull and wet right now, so maybe the grass gods were listening. thanks for all the advice so far , without it i think the grow would already be in serious trouble. will continue to post and will also post a few photos when there is something to photograph:peace:
from ireland too, get those blue slug pellets they work great but have to be reapplied every 2 weeks, look for the organic ones.
id honestly grab a pack of some thing else(kc36,easy sativa and purple maroc from female seeds) tried lr2s before and im not a fan, if you stick with them place some weed cloth around them so they dont get covered in mud when it rains and make sure the area around is cleared so theirs some airflow. Also look at making some mold spray and horse tail tea to prevent mold.
theres a great sticky for dealing with mold in the irish forum of icmag

if theres pile of manure, use the oldest stuff at the bottom, if the already planted you can do some light top dressing

howdy all again, thanks for all the input and sorry for not being so forthcoming about the grow. am a little unsure of the whole thing and didnt want to embarresse* myself. grow is going ok so far. all ladies still alive. 17 days old and doing ok. left my camera on the roof of the car when i was putting my smallie in his car seat , needless to say its not there anymore, will take some photos with my phone and post them later. just ordered a grow tent so will be starting indoor shortly aswell. irish summers are non existant , so am looking forward to a new indoor grow.
finally managed to get a few pics. lr2 with the eggshells around it is the one ive kept in the back garden, its doing ok , a little leggy coz the neighbour had an outside light on at night and it was a few days before i sussed it. other pics are 4x lr2s in the pots and 3x special kush in the ground. there was a little bit of insect damage to the early growth but i think they will be ok. no damage to the new growth 18062011090.jpga18062011095.jpgs yet. 21 days out of the soil today, long way to go but still hopeful. considering how badly i planned the grow i'm delighted to be where i am now:peace:18062011091.jpg18062011096.jpg18062011089.jpg18062011097.jpg18062011098.jpg18062011099.jpgsorry about the messiness of the post, hopefully my computer skills wont be a reflection on my grow:eek: