New Grower First Grow - Outdoors in Ireland

Plants looking much bushier already and filling up the tent. Think I will need to do some more training.


Yellow patch here any cause for concern? Rest of the plant looks nice and green.

The RAM filter will likely not work with the SuperGreenLab Blower, as the blower is not powerful enough. It is also not powerful enough for your tent, as it was designed to be used with an Ikea cabinet or a cardboard box, which have a far smaller volume.

For information on using the SuperGreenLab equipment, visit their website here.
When you say not work, do you mean be less effective or will I encounter other issues? Do you have any recommendations for a suitable fan? Thanks!
It will not be able to pull/push any air through the filter, as it is just a glorified PC blower. This could lead to issues with heat and humidity.

When using a carbon filter like the one you have, your best bet is getting a 4"/100 mm extractor fan (not an axial/intake fan). Mixed flow or Centrifugal are ideal. There are many makes and models. Some cannot be speed controlled and are loud, others can be quiet with automatic speed controls. It depends on your budget.

How many light panels were you given?
It will not be able to pull/push any air through the filter, as it is just a glorified PC blower. This could lead to issues with heat and humidity.

When using a carbon filter like the one you have, your best bet is getting a 4"/100 mm extractor fan (not an axial/intake fan). Mixed flow or Centrifugal are ideal. There are many makes and models. Some cannot be speed controlled and are loud, others can be quiet with automatic speed controls. It depends on your budget.

How many light panels were you given?
The man is speaking sense! I cheaped out on fans for a while and was consistently unable to exchange enough air. I finally broke for one, Vents TT 100mm, cost about 50eur and had to wire it myself. I recommend doing that and wiring up with a dimmer switch, cos you won't need it on full power in a 60*60cm tent. In my 75*75 she runs around 75% most of the time and 100% in late flower.

Also, it is pretty loud, not the fan itself, just the air movement. If it's in a bedroom you'll know all about it, haha :goodluck:

You've got some decent gear there, esp the lights.
Appreciate the input, will do some research later and pick something up. Considering I got everything else free don’t mind spending a relative bit. It’s in my spare bedroom at the moment, but hopefully moving to the attic soon once I have floors down (new house). Quiet would be better as getting a few comment from the better half already and want to keep it sweet!
With that particular light, you will need more than 1. SuperGreenLab only use 1 for setting up a teeny tiny seedling box. The wattage draw is only a maximum of 18W and coverage 15x15 cm2.

For your size of tent, you would likely need 4, and given they cost $35.99 (for UK) or $43.55 (for EU), you would be better off looking for a different light.

The "wattage" (LEDs tend to be sold as equivalent wattage to HPS, as opposed to true wattage draw) would be between 600W and 1000W.

If you can, get 1 that is Full Spectrum Sunlike (not Blurple) and with a dimmer.

Check out the forums here for reviews and recommendations, then...

Look around on {cough}Amazon/eBay{cough}, and once you see one you like, search for the companies own website to see if they sell/deliver in your country (I don't know if you're EIRE or NI), where you may even be able to get it cheaper.

For example, I decided on a Spider Farmer SF1000. On "Glamazon", they wanted £179.99. I went to Spider Farmer's official website, followed a link to their UK site, and it was only £119.99 with free delivery from UK warehouse (no import fees and had a UK plug). I even got a further £5.99 off thanks to a discount code, so I only paid £114.