New Grower First Grow - Outdoors in Ireland

I done an outdoor grow in my garden a few years ago in a polytunnel and didn’t have much success. Keep an eye out for mould when they start producing and make sure the tent you have is anchored. Hopefully you’ll be done by the end of September abs beat the cold weather before it hits
Yeah I have access to lights and a tent if needs be but here for the craic really. Good shout on the mould, had heard that before, will keep in mind.

Craic mate,
I would advise on straping the greenhouse to the fence and decking, I lost my mine at the start of summer to wind,,,,
In all honesty mate I wouldn't even bother growing outdoors over here as the yeild will be miserable and we be coming into the 4 seasons in 1 day weather soon,,
so get ready for that.
I had big plans this summer for growing outdoors and only 1 got to grow outside, harvested her on day 100 and got a few bongs lol
Best of luck on your outdoor adventure
I’m on day 30, decent(ish) bit of weather incoming for the week but I think I’m going to give up the romantic notion of growing under the sun and get the girls indoors. Mould and cold don’t sound like much fun.

are there any specific considerations you would have when moving them? Start slow under the lights? Or just bring them in straight away?
Bent the stem a bit on plastic pot when adjusting lst. Taped for support but think she’s fine.


tried tucking the big fan on this lady

I'd just bung her under the light indoors no worries, unless it's extremely intense she'll be fine. Do watch closely for pests when going from outdoors to indoors. Cheers :smokeit:
Sound thanks! Picked up all the gear today so will try get setup before the weekend it out and report back.
We’re on day 38 now, will post some setup details once I have it figured out. Starting to get smelly :smokeit:
so here’s what I’m working with, hand me downs from a kind soul so keen to get any info on the gear.

Tent: 60cm x 60cm x 120cm green architecture


Light: SuperGreenLab LED full spectrum. Owner said it was 200w but board says 120w (different measures??) can’t find any info online but reliably told it was enough for 2x 70g plants in this tent.

Carbon filte


Filter is a Ram 100mm


Ventilation: ram clip on, not oscillating


Blower is from super green labs too and linked to a controller, can use an app to turn off/on/timer (same for lights) if I manage to get it working. Still need to connect to exhaust, picked up some foil tape yesterday.
